Thursday, March 15, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
UK reporter denies phone hacking charges
Seattle Post Intelligencer
James Murdoch said Wednesday March 14, 2012 'I could have asked more questions' about phone hacking at News International. Photo: Sang Tan / AP FILE- former News of the World reporter Neville Thurlbeck arrives at court in London to give evidence to ...
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James Murdoch apologizes for hacking scandal: News Corp. exec sends letter to ...
Chicago Tribune
LONDON -- James Murdoch has written to the committee of British pols that could decide his future as chairman of UK paybox BSkyB expressing deep regret for the phone-hacking scandal. In the "long letter" Murdoch once again states his innocence with ...
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UK reporter arrested in phone hacking case calls charges against him far-fetched
Washington Post
LONDON — The former chief reporter at the defunct News of the World tabloid has denied allegations of witness intimidation one day after he was arrested for the second time for his suspected role in the phone hacking scandal. Neville Thurlbeck said in ...
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Witness Intimidation Cited in British Hacking Scandal
New York Times
Mr. Murdoch shut down The News of the World, a Sunday paper, in July amid a wave of revelations about its use of cellphone hacking. Police inquiries have widened to include The Sun, the daily newspaper that is the most profitable and most widely ...
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New arrest in UK phone hacking probe
CNN International
By the CNN Wire Staff London (CNN) -- A 51-year-old man was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of intimidation of a witness in connection with an investigation into alleged phone hacking, London's Metropolitan Police said.
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Rupert Murdoch's Son Seeks Leniency from House of Commons Committee in Phone ...
Voice of America (blog)
James Murdoch is appealing for leniency from a British parliamentary committee investigating phone hacking at News Corps' defunct News of the World tabloid. On Wednesday, Murdoch submitted a seven page letter to the committee, offering an apology and ...
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James Murdoch Pens Letter to Parliament Proclaiming Innocence
Daily Beast
In an unsolicited letter to Parliament, Rupert's son swears to ignorance in the phone-hacking scandal. Mike Giglio on why the plea could be a preemptive strike against looming accusations. The younger Murdoch, onetime heir to his father Rupert's News ...
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Daily Beast
James Murdoch Has 'Real Regret' Over UK Hacking Scandal
Deputy Chief Operating Officer James Murdoch told UK lawmakers he should have dug deeper to uncover the phone-hacking scandal at the company's UK unit. "I could have asked more questions, requested more documents and taken a more challenging and ...
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James Murdoch acknowledges role in hacking scandal
Boston Globe
LONDON - News Corp. executive James Murdoch acknowledged Wednesday that he could have done more to get to grips with the phone hacking scandal that has rocked Britain and threatened his place as the likely heir to his father's media empire.
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News International Security Chief Arrested in Phone Hacking Case
While details are limited so far -- there has been no statement from law enforcement on what role, if any, Hanna may have played in the phone hacking -- like the others this week, he was arrested, "on suspicion of conspiracy to pervert the course of ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Anonymous Releases Their Own Operating System, Complete with ...
By Whitson Gordon
In a very strange move, some members of hacker group Anonymous have released their own distribution of the Linux operating system, complete with hacker tools for "testing the security of web sites".
NewsDaily: James Murdoch apologizes for phone hacking
James Murdoch has written to the influential UK parliamentary committee investigating a phone hacking scandal to apologize and restate his own innocence ahead of a potentially damaging report that could determine his future in Britain.
NewsDaily: Top Headlines
Drug Company Hacking Dead Netizen's Account to Promote Bear ...
By Maggie Hui
A Chinese drugs company has been accused of hacking the microblog account of a man who passed away last year to spread its bear bile marketing message online. The company has recruited a team of 'Internet hirelings' as net ...
M.I.C. Gadget
GE taps maker movement, brings hardware hacking to SXSW [video ...
By Jolie O'Dell
General Electric set up a hands-on "garage" area at SXSW Interactive this year to get technophiles up to their elbows in hardware, including laser cutters, 3D printers, injection molders, and more.
George Hotz in trouble again, but not for hacking |
By Matthew Humphries
Mar. 15, 2012 - George Hotz, otherwise known as the hacker Geohot, earned a reputation for himself in recent years by becoming Sony's nemesis and friend of anyone wanting.

Web1 new result for hacking
Rebekah Brooks among six arrested in phone-hacking investigation ...
Former Sun editor held by Operation Weeting detectives on suspicion of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. By Vikram Dodd and Josh Halliday.

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