Sunday, March 25, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News7 new results for hacking
Celebrity hacker to plead guilty
ZDNet (blog)
By Emil Protalinski | March 24, 2012, 12:56pm PDT Summary: Christopher Chaney is expected to plead guilty on Monday for hacking into the e-mail accounts of multiple celebrities, including Christina Aguilera, Mila Kunis, and Scarlett Johansson.
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Accused hacker to change plea
(Robert Marquardt, Getty Images) A Florida man charged with hacking into the email accounts of stars including Scarlett Johansson and Mila Kunis is facing up to 60 years in prison after agreeing to plead guilty to the felony counts.
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Hackers lurk below radar
Deccan Chronicle
"The nexus between underworld dons and hackers has no happened yet. If the mafia managed to touch base with 'black hats' (hackers involved in crime) then all hell will break loose," warns the expert. The police on the other hand is trying to improve ...
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Deccan Chronicle
James Murdoch Resigns From Another Corporate Board
New York Times (blog)
The company dropped its $12 billion bid to take over BSkyB last summer when a phone hacking scandal thrust News Corporation under increased government scrutiny. News Corporation's British tabloids continue to face government inquiries over the phone ...
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Unbelievable Hacking Surfaces in Modern Warfare 3
With that kind of activity you'll unfortunately find a portion of the community in the game trying to hack or exploit the game's mechanics. While a few hacks had surfaced for Call of Duty, we've yet to see hacking along the lines of the video we're ...
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Qtel resolves 'hacking bid' issue
Gulf Times
Qtel has traced the source of a hacking attempt that used the popular "WhatsApp" application to access accounts in Qatar, to an account in Saudi Arabia. Qtel said it resolved the issue and reported the issue to authorities concerned in Saudi Arabia.
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James Murdoch severs all ties with UK newspapers
Chicago Tribune
LONDON (Reuters) - James Murdoch has severed all ties with News Corp's British newspaper business, which is at the centre of multiple investigations over phone and computer hacking and bribery, according to regulatory filings. Murdoch is under scrutiny ...
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Blogs1 new result for hacking
Audioboo / Culture Hacking & Curating the News
By (Documentally)
Culture Hacking & Curating the News. about 9 hours ago , Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England. play. 0:00. 11:03. Share. Tweet · Email · Embed. Add to. Login · Signup-advertisement. Boo Image. clip location map ...

Web2 new results for hacking
Shareable: Hacking As A Civic Duty
Among the many civic hackers I've met and chatted with over the past month—the policy wonks, data hackers, IT managers, civic-minded app developers, data ...
Design Staff – Story-centered design: Hacking your brain to think ...
When I first started designing interactive products, it was a struggle. Small projects were fine. But when the interactions got more complex, I noticed that tools, ...

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