Monday, March 19, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News6 new results for hacking
Phone-hacking scandal forces Murdoch to quit from another board
Business Day
JAMES Murdoch, News Corporation's deputy chief operating officer, is to leave the board of Sotheby's auction house, following demands he resign over his role in a UK phone-hacking scandal. Mr Murdoch has this year already resigned from the board of ...
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Latest iPad model is jailbroken
By Jeremy Kirk | IDG News Service Hackers claimed to have figured out a way to bypass Apple's technical restrictions and install unauthorized applications on the company's latest iPad upon its release last Friday. Apple forbids installing applications ...
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Phone hacking: FBI threaten to step in on investigation into Rupert Murdoch's ...
Daily Mail
The original Met phone hacking investigation, launched in December 2005, resulted in the News of the World's royal editor Clive Goodman and private investigator Glenn Mulcaire being jailed for intercepting voicemail messages.
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Daily Mail
Ex-cop: UK tabloid spied on murder investigators
Huffington Post
Justice Brian Leveson is leading the prolonged inquiry into practices of the British press, concentrating on phone hacking at the now-defunct News of the World. Owner Rupert Murdoch closed the paper in July after evidence emerged that it had illegally ...
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EchoStar Pays NDS $18.9M To Resolve Hacking Litigation
Multichannel News
EchoStar Communications sued NDS in 2003 seeking up to $2 billion, alleging NDS was responsible for hacking into the conditional-access system developed by NagraStar, a joint venture between EchoStar and Kudelski Group, by reverse-engineering ...
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Hacking firms told to take party line
The Lawyer
The claimant firms acting for victims of the phone-hacking scandal have been ordered to find a more cost-efficient way of working or risk their clients being forced into a group litigation order (GLO), with a single firm advising the entire group.
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The Lawyer

Blogs1 new result for hacking
Microsoft Hacking Code leaked from security info-sharing program ...
By (THN Reporter)
Microsoft Hacking Code leaked from security info-sharing program. THN Magazine and The Hacker News is Most Comprehensive resource in providing news related to Information Technology, Cyber security, infosec, Hacking threads, ...
The Hacker News [ THN ] - Updates...

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