Monday, March 12, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News7 new results for hacking
Hacker Pleads Guilty To Abortion Website Attack
TechWeekEurope UK
A West Midlands man purporting to be a member of the Anonymous hacking group pleaded guilty on Saturday to an attack on the website of the UK's largest provider of abortions. James Jeffery, 27, of Wednesbury, pleaded guilty to two offences under the ...
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TechWeekEurope UK
Anonymous hacker admits to abortion website hack
by Dan Worth A member of Anonymous has admitted to hacking into the website of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) and stealing information on some 10000 woman who had registered with the service. The Guardian reported that James Jeffery, 27, ...
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UK cybercops cuff abortion clinic web hack suspect
By John Leyden • Get more from this author Cybercrime cops have arrested a bloke suspected of hacking into and defacing the website of Britain's largest abortion provider. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) site was compromised on Thursday ...
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British Man Pleads Guilty to Hacking Pregnancy Services Agency
By Jeremy Kirk, IDG-News-Service:Sydney-Bureau A 27-year-old man pleaded guilty on Saturday in a British court to hacking the website of a reproductive health services agency, obtaining the details of people who had registered on the website.
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Anti-abortion Anonymous hacker arrested in UK
by Dara Kerr March 11, 2012 5:35 PM PDT Follow @darakerr After stealing tens of thousands of database records from an abortion provider, hacker James Jeffery is arrested, brought to court, and called a "zealot" and "able hacker" by the judge.
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'Anonymous' abortion service hacker pleads guilty
ZDNet UK (blog)
By David Meyer , 12 March, 2012 09:10 Follow @superglaze A West Midlands man who hacked into and defaced the website of the UK's largest abortion service has pleaded guilty to two offences under the Computer Misuse Act. James Jeffery, ...
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ZDNet UK (blog)
Man arrested for hacking corporate systems names names to the FBI
The Australian
THE days of some of the world's most damaging hackers may be nearing an end, with an elite computer hacker working around the clock to help the FBI. In his Twitter postings, the hacker known as "Sabu" urged followers to resist the US government and its ...
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Web2 new results for hacking
The LulzSec hacking arrests won't make it safer online | James Ball ...
James Ball: The FBI's infiltration of LulzSec is astonishing – but the group's activities are small fry in comparison to professional cyberwar.
Google's Pwnium Competition: Win $1000000 for Hacking Chrome ...
Despite search titan Google asking hackers to publicly break its Chrome browser for past four years, it wasn't until yesterday that it finally happened —

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