Monday, March 26, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News6 new results for hacking
Man to enter plea for hacking into celeb emails
LOS ANGELES—A Florida man is headed to court Monday on charges he hacked into the email accounts of such celebrities as Scarlett Johansson whose nude photos eventually landed on the Internet. A plea agreement filed last week indicates Christopher ...
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Why 'data breach' isn't a dirty word anymore
CNET (blog)
Meanwhile, after pleading guilty to that hack as well as a slew of others, former government informant Albert Gonzalez is serving a 20-years prison sentence. Heartland has not only survived since the breach, it has thrived. It's stock price dropped ...
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Bosses face hack probes
Sydney Morning Herald
... that some businesses are asking potential employees for passwords in order to view private posts and pictures as part of the job application process are ''alarming''. The two lawmakers said the practice might violate federal anti-hacking statutes.
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Sydney Morning Herald
Hackerazzi: the paparazzi hacker pleads guilty
Generation NT (US)
A Florida resident has pleaded guilty to hacking the email accounts of numerous celebrities. Compromising photos of certain celebrities followed following these hacks. Christina Aguilera, Scarlett Johansson, Mila Kunis, Simone Harouche, Renee Olstead ...
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Generation NT (US)
Walcott fiancée's father was phone-hack victim
Evening Standard
"I told Mel the phone had been hacked and she just said 'What do you expect?'" - Theo Walcott's fiancée's father The father of the fiancée of England footballer Theo Walcott has revealed his phone was allegedly hacked by the News of the World.
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customer loyalty
Three years ago one of the largest payment processors in the country reported that hackers had accessed its computer system, exposing millions of credit card numbers in what is believed to be the largest hacking-related security breach ever.
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Mystery of Icelander's accidental Facebook hacking | IceNews ...
By Alex
It is still not clear what sort of tech glitch led to an Icelandic man's smart phone logging him in to the Facebook page of another Icelander, who he does not even know. There is some evidence to suggest the man's mobile browser malfunctioned ...
IceNews - Daily News
TIM4biz Prevents Telephone Hacking Hitting West Australian ...
Perth, Australia, March 25, 2012 --( TIM4biz is a company that monitors and alerts businesses of unauthorized usage of telephone systems. TIM Technologies TIM4biz detected an aggressive and sustained attack on a client's phone ...
Virtual-Strategy Magazine - Your...

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