Friday, March 9, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Hacker, Informant and Party Boy of the Projects
New York Times
As an informant, he helped bring down a batch of prominent fellow hackers in Europe and the United States. They were indicted on a charge of computer crimes that the authorities said affected one million victims, along with major companies and ...
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BPAS: 'Hacker' held over illegal breach of abortion website
A man suspected of hacking into the website of one of the country's biggest abortion providers was being questioned by police on Friday. The hacker claimed to hold the "entire database and contract details" of women who had used Britain's biggest ...
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Hacker boasts: I will name all abortion clinic patients
An internet hacker who claims to have breached the website of Britain's largest abortion clinic is threatening to release the names of women who have had terminations. A hacker is threatening to release the details of patients at BPAS abortion clinics.
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'Anonymous' Hacker Sabu Worked 'Around the Clock' to Help U.S.
San Francisco Chronicle
March 9 (Bloomberg) -- Immediately after his arrest, Hector Xavier Monsegur, a member of the Anonymous, Internet Feds and LulzSec hacker groups, began working "around the clock" to inform on his colleagues, prosecutors told a judge.
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Hacker "Sabu" worked full nights online for FBI
Chicago Tribune
NEW YORK (Reuters) - One late-night visit by the FBI was all it took for the notorious hacker known as "Sabu" to switch sides and become a valued snitch. Hector Xavier Monsegur cooperated immediately in June, helping investigators close a net around ...
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Hacker threatens to name all abortion clinic patients
Daily Mail
Yesterday the unnamed activist wrote a message on Twitter claiming he had 'hacked' into the website of BPAS, which sees 50000 women a year. 'Database dump will be released tomorrow [Friday]' he added. Later he wrote another message under the pseudonym ...
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Daily Mail
FBI's 'Sabu' Hacker Was a Model Informant
Wall Street Journal
By CHAD BRAY As soon as he was caught, an influential computer hacker agreed to become a government informant and "literally worked around the clock" to help federal agents nab an elusive collective of alleged cyber criminals who have launched online ...
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Wall Street Journal
LulzSec-linked hacker mocked 9/11, threatened to burn down White House
Fox News
Hammond, 27, made an appearance in federal court Tuesday accused of participating in an international computer-hacking ring.AP Photo/Cook County Sheriff's Department A top hacker who worked closely with LulzSec leader Sabu is a committed anarchist who ...
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Hack rat blabbed 24/7
New York Post
By BRUCE GOLDING The turncoat who helped the feds bust five confederates affiliated with the "Anonymous" computer-hacking group prevented a number of cyber-attacks by cooperating with the feds from "literally the day he was arrested," according to ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Hacking for truth, whatever that is: Ideas to fight misinformation ...
By Andrew Phelps
Give a man a fact, or teach him how to fact-check? Truthiness can be more pervasive, and more powerful, than truth.
Nieman Journalism Lab
Residents Warned About Recreation System Hacking | WBNS-10TV
Westerville is advising residents about its parks and recreation tracking system being hacked. Find out what it means.
Central Ohio News Headlines | WBNS 10TV
Serbia arrests member of Anonymous hacking group - Home ...
Serbian authorities say they have arrested a member of the Anonymous hacking group in the Balkan country. - Breaking News
Hacking Edu: My 7 "Whoa's!" at SXSW Edu | Flip the Media
By Hanson Hosein
A different kind of geek parade now descends upon Austin as SXSW Edu wraps up and SXSW Interactive revs up. I'm overlapping between the two events to welcome our MCDM Flip The Media SXSW team, connect with some friends at a ...
Flip the Media
Arrest in abortion site 'hacking' | Stock Market News - Business ...
By Editor - Health News
9 March 2012 Last updated at 03:28 ET There were claims the names of people.
Rocket News

Web1 new result for hacking
FBI Warns Congress of Terrorist Hacking - Slashdot
An anonymous reader writes "Robert S. Mueller III, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), yesterday warned Congress of terrorist hacking.

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