Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Why is PM Scared of Lokpal?/Mumbai Tops in Quality of Life Survey/India's Top Wealth Creators and Destroyers-T B Vema

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siliconindia Daily dose
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
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Tech Product
Nokia seems to sell its most magnificent subordinate mobile brand Vertu, which makes the luxurious handmade phones.
Micromax has launched a new Android Smartphone, named Superfone Lite A75, with dual SIMs for Rs.8,999.
Startup City
Innovis Telecom, a telecom networking services, has raised an undisclosed amount of investment from Nokia Growth Partners., online & mobile travel search engine, has launched flights and hotels search application for Android devices.
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India's mobile marketing space, which some analysts estimate at Rs.600 million ($11 million), will grow 10-fold in the next five years.
Concerned over slowdown, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said the government will make efforts to build broad consensus on reforms as the economy has resilience to overcome the problem.
Real estate city
Vizags first integrated township located between Yandada-Madhurvada hill range.
Residential land consisting of 90 plots.Individual Unit size of about 1/4th of an acre i.e.(10890 sq ft) of land costing about 4.25 Lacs in Palasamudram.
Humor of the day
The following conversation took place one morning between a wife and her husband.
Sue Ellen passed away so Billy Bob called 911. The operator promised to send someone out immediately and asked him where he lived.
Social networking may be promoting alcohol use among young people in so subtle a manner that users are not even aware of it.
Over 100 million apps have been downloaded from Apple's Mac App Store since its launch in January.
Personal finance
Knowing when to sell a stock or which stock to sell isn't as easy a decision as knowing when to buy a stock.
If you have kids around you, you might consider providing them with a financial gift. They are useful financial gifts that can keep on giving.
The growth of social networking in different forms is a remarkable phenomenon. Here are the best social networking sites for engineers.
The industrial hubs which are created in various states are likely to become the hot spot destinations for hiring.
Does experience of consultancy counts in big comanies ?
Training & Courses
Current and aspiring product professionals in India can now accelerate their career path. Get trained on productizing innovation.
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Taking risks and adapting to failure, as Vinod Khosla often says, forms the DNA of an entrepreneur.
By founding Smartplay, Pradeep Vajram stepped-in in an extremely challenging semiconductor marketplace to fill the void and support the customers with end-to-end design solutions.

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