Friday, December 16, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Dumb or devious? James Murdoch opts for a plea of ignorance on News hacking
Sydney Morning Herald
He hadn't properly read a crucial email about phone-hacking that was sent to him in 2008, he wrote to British MPs. He read the top of the email but not the chain of exchanges below it, which talked of allegations that hacking was ''rife'' at the News ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Milly Dowler hacking was tip of the iceberg
The Guardian
The false hope moment came before Glenn Mulcaire, the hacking specialist employed by the News of the World, was tasked with targeting Milly's phone. The result has been a volley of criticism, in part from past and present News International employees, ...
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The Guardian
I think of him daily, says 'world's most hated hacker' who betrayed alleged ...
Daily Mail
By Lee Moran The computer hacker who betrayed alleged Wikileaks whistleblower Bradley Manning - who faces a lifetime in prison without parole - said he 'thinks about him every day'. Adrian Lamo, 30, has been dubbed the 'world's most hated hacker' after ...
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Daily Mail
Hacking the Google TV Box Without Rooting It, Part 3
By Patrick Nelson The good news is that despite Logitech's recent announcement that it will be pulling out of the Google TV manufacturing business, you can still pick one of these things up for a benji and take a gamble that the GTVHacker community ...
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UK crime reporter arrested in corruption inquiry
The Associated Press
LONDON (AP) — The former crime editor for the News of the World tabloid was arrested Thursday in Britain's phone hacking scandal, and authorities announced that CNN journalist Piers Morgan would appear before the UK's media ethics inquiry. ...
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Square Enix investigating possible hack
Washington Post
Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy publisher Square Enix appears to have suffered a hacking attack for the second time this year. The official fan site Square Enix Members is currently down for "maintenance," with a statement saying that one of the servers ...
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How Iran hacked super-secret CIA stealth drone
More damage is being dished out to the US intelligence community as sources in Iran admit to hacking the CIA's lost drone and bringing it down with not much more than computer navigating know-how. Engineers with the Iranian military are admitting to ...
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Leveson Inquiry: Summary of week five
BBC News
But Mr Myler said he had accepted the NoW's assertion that phone hacking had been limited to "one rogue reporter". Meanwhile, Metropolitan Police representative Neil Garnham QC told the inquiry that the "most likely explanation" for the deletion of ...
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BBC News
Leveson Inquiry: phone hacking lawyer confronts private detective accused of ...
The lawyer for the victims of phone hacking yesterday angrily confronted a private detective in the corridors of the High Court and accused him of filming his 14 year old daughter. By Matthew Holehouse Mark Lewis followed Derek Webb, who worked for the ...
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Doctors can't reattach security guard's ear in Wash. hacking attack; suspect ...
Washington Post
SEATTLE — Doctors were unable to reattach a Washington state security guard's ear after a shoplifter attacked him with a hatchet, his brother said Thursday. Police in the southwest Washington city of Longview arrested Adrian Kramer, 31, and booked him ...
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Blogs4 new results for hacking
Piers Morgan Will Testify on Phone Hacking - Business - The ...
By Adam Clark Estes
Nearly six months after Heather Mills alleged he had listened to her voice mail, former News of the World editor, current CNN host and now former America's Got Talent judge Piers Morgan will "explain himself" via video to the Leveson Inquiry ...
The Atlantic Wire
CNN's Piers Morgan to Testify on Phone Hacking | The Wrap Media
By Lucas Shaw
Former U.K. newspaper editor Morgan has repeatedly denied condoning hacking, but what else does he know? - Entertainment Industry...
Piers Morgan To Answer Hacking Questions At UK Inquiry Next ...
Piers Morgan, the CNN host who was editor of News Corp's now-shuttered News of the World between 1994-95, will appear next week before a UK inquiry investigating media ethics in the wake of the tabloid's phone-hacking scandal. ...
Bloomberg: China-Based Hacking of 760 Companies Shows Cyber ...
By Council on Foreign Relations
Cyber espionage has become a critical aspect of Chinese economic growth, write Michael Riley and John Walcott. - China

Web1 new result for hacking
James Murdoch: I didn't read crucial phone-hacking email | Media ...
News International boss was sent email in 2008 showing practice went beyond rogue reporter.

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