Sunday, December 18, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
China is the No. 1 hacker threat to US firms
The Seattle Times
(December 18, 2011, by tiffany98122) Read more Google and Intel were logical targets for China-based hackers, given the solid-gold intellectual property data stored in their computers. An attack by cyberspies on iBahn, a provider of Internet services ...
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Galaxy Nexus Hack Enables Google Wallet on Smartphone
PC Magazine
But the hack comes with a few catches: Namely, you're going to hack off both Verizon and Google if you try it. How's that? Well, the process for enabling Google Wallet on your Galaxy Nexus demands that you unlock the device's bootloader and root the ...
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The hacking inquisitors: 'People thought I was a paranoid conspiracy theorist'
The Guardian
The great phone-hacking scandal of 2011 moved like a hurricane through the corridors of British power, blowing open corruption and malpractice and leaving a trail of ruined careers in its wake. But for a small group of players, the exposé has proved ...
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The Guardian
CNN star Piers Morgan faces questions over past
The Associated Press
CNN spokeswoman Barbara Levin said the network was "extremely pleased" with how Morgan's program was performing and the company has so far stood by its star even as the scandal over widespread phone hacking at the News of the World threatens to draw ...
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Phone hacking: James Murdoch's 'raspberry defence'
The Guardian
Fragments from phone hacking and other hearings: when James Murdoch invokes what lawyers now call the BlackBerry defence – ie, I was told something vital on my mobile one busy Saturday and replied to it, but didn't really absorb it then, or indeed at a ...
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The Guardian
US drone captured by hacking into GPS, says Iranian engineer
They hacked into its GPS system and re-configured its coordinates to make it land at a chosen location. Digital Journal reports American officials have so far denied claims that the Iranians captured the drone through a cyber attack. ...
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Snow Goose Festival is coming: It's time to celebrate the birds of winter
By HEATHER HACKING - Staff Writer Thousands of snow geese take flight near the Llano Seco Wildlife Refuge along Seven Mile Lane on Wednesday. The 13th annual Snow Goose Festival will take place Jan. 26-29. During the event, several of the tours include ...
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Ten "hacks" you never suspected
Bangor Daily News
By Russ Van Arsdale, executive director, Northeast CONTACT While some journalists in the United Kingdom are under a microscope for allegedly hacking into voicemail accounts, people in the United States may wonder how much hacking is really happening. ...
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Dani Garavelli: Spare us the celebrity moans
Scotsman (blog)
The phone-hacking allegations were damaging enough, but it was the claim that private investigator Glenn Mulcaire had deleted some of Milly's messages, giving her parents false hope that she was still alive, that pushed the paper past the point of no ...
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Scotsman (blog)
Lisbeth Salander redefines hero in 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'
Plain Dealer
"This action" refers not only to the brilliant crime-solving (and criminal hacking) skills of the genius Lisbeth. It also refers to the extreme ways she fights back against the men who have so damaged her. This is not the retail feminism of "Sex and ...
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Plain Dealer

Web1 new result for hacking
MAKE | Holiday Hacking the Makey Robot
DIY projects, how-tos, and inspiration from the workshops and minds of geeks, makers, and hackers @ Make: magazine.

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