Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Anonymous 'Robin Hood' hacking attack hits major firms
As well as claiming to have donated $500000 to charities using the stolen data, the hackers posted parts of their haul online. The files included more than 50000 credit card numbers of which 10000 were not expired, 87000 email addresses and 44000 ...
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Hackers could shut down train lines - expert
BERLIN (Reuters) - Hackers who have shut down websites by overwhelming them with web traffic could use the same approach to shut down the computers that control train switching systems, a security expert said at a hacking conference in Berlin. ...
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GSM phones vulnerable to hijack scams: researcher
"We can do it to hundreds of thousands of phones in a short time frame," Nohl told Reuters ahead of a presentation on the topic at a hacking convention in Berlin on Tuesday. SECTOR IN FOCUS Smartphone malware is popping up at an unprecedented rate as ...
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Hackers claim Siri port to iPhone 4 avoids copyright infringement
Apple Insider
Hackers had previously cracked Siri and offered the ability to port the voice recognition software to the iPhone 4 and fourth-generation iPod touch. But that previous method relied on tools that may have broken Apple's copyrighted works. ...
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Strategy 2011 - the year of high profile hacker attacks
During 2011, the Western World learned to appreciate the increasing power of hackers, groups like LulzSec and Anonymous and others intent on putting forward their brand of social justice. Large corporations, like Sony, weren't immune to this and the ...
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Online hacking organization hacks, defaces Kal-Fi website; user privacy not ...
Morning Star
By BRYCE MARTIN Members of Anonymous, an online hacker organization established in June, hacked and defaced the Kal-Wi homepage over the holiday weekend. The site, which previously displayed information pertaining to the Kalkaska Downtown Development ...
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Man Accused of Hacking Nude Photos of Scarlett Johansson, Others Due in Court
Fox News
A Florida man accused of hacking into a range of celebrities' email accounts -- including those of Scarlett Johansson, Christina Aguilera and Mila Kunis -- and spreading racy images online is set to appear in court Tuesday. ...
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Anonymous Hackers Still Active, Closing 2011 with a Bang
NewsFactor Network
Anonymous struck again on Monday morning -- and the backlash by the infamous hacking group may not be over yet. Anonymous, which took down Strategic Forecasting's Web site over the weekend, has vowed to strike again. This time, the targets are Stratfor ...
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Computer Hackers Donate $1 Million to Charity Using Stolen Credit Card Information
Hawaii Reporter
Anonymous has taken responsibility for past hacking incidents. About Us * Contact Us Interactive * YouTube * Facebook * Twitter Web Services * Podcasts * RSS * Mobile * Newsletter * Webcasts * About Us About Us The Voice of America, which first went on ...
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HP releases fix to block LaserJet hacking
Sydney Morning Herald
Hewlett-Packard has released a firmware update it says will fix a susceptibility in some of the company's popular LaserJet printers that researchers said could allow hackers to remotely take control of the devices. In November, MSNBC reported a team of ...
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Sydney Morning Herald

Blogs1 new result for hacking
Using a GSM phone? Beware it's prone to hacking | Firstpost
All mobile phones on this widely used wireless technology is open to attack, which allows hackers to gain complete control of the handsets and use them to send text messages or make calls.

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