Saturday, December 17, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Grollo's hacking concerns
Herald Sun
On Thursday, police raided The Age offices as part of an investigation into allegations reporters hacked the ALP database that holds the private details of thousands of Victorians. The Age has admitted accessing the database but said it only did so to ...
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Verizon Galaxy Nexus Hacked to Run Google Wallet
Verizon may not (yet) support Google Wallet on its Galaxy Nexus, but that doesn't mean you can't hack it. By Jared Newman, PCWorld Verizon Wireless may be reluctant to bring Google Wallet to the Galaxy Nexus, but that's not a problem for hackers. ...
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Debka: Whoever hacked the drone, hacked the CIA
The Israel-based outlet adds that in addition to hacking the GPS network of the craft, as Iranian engineers admitted earlier this week, the command center in Langley must have been infiltrated as to keep those controlling the robotic plane from ...
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Hackers Take Down Anti-Muslim Website
The hackers also exposed the email and IP addresses of more than 30 FFA newsletter subscribers and donors and listed credit card information for a dozen more. A hacker identified as "ihazCAnNONz" on Twitter took responsibility for the attack, ...
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Square Enix online service hacked, 1.8 million affected
Final Fantasy and Deus Ex publisher Square Enix says unknown parties may have gained unauthorized access to one of its servers in a hacking attempt that has reportedly affected 1.8 million people. The server in question contains information on the free ...
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Apple makes hacking Siri easier
CBS News
The hacking community is paying close attention because there is now a possibility to access Siri's previously encrypted system file. "'s 4S 5.0.1 bump (9A406) has wide open main [file system]," MuscleNerd tweeted. Upon prompting to clarify, ...
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Leveson orders inquiry into hacking exposé
Financial Times
By Ben Fenton, Chief Media Correspondent As if his remit was not already wide enough, Lord Justice Leveson has ordered an inquiry within his inquiry into the accuracy of the exposé that transformed phone hacking from a rumbling scandal into a national ...
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Piers Morgan to appear before the Leveson Inquiry via videolink from America
The former editor of the Daily Mirror and News of the World is expected to be asked about comments he has made about phone hacking, when he gives evidence on Tuesday. Other witnesses for the final hearings before the inquiry breaks for Christmas ...
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Hundreds of computers linked to press hackers
The Independent
The police investigation into computer hacking on behalf of newspapers is examining nearly 20 machines seized from private investigators and other individuals, suggesting that hundreds of individuals were targeted, The Independent can reveal. ...
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Hacking BioTech for Fun, Profit and Resilience
Global Guerrillas
@johnrobb The FBI/#DIYbio workshops are always full, but not clear how many attendees are actually hacking. @rob_carlson Very cool. Thanks. Any predictions for the future of DIY bio? @johnrobb As costs fall, and skills are easier to come by more, ...
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Blogs4 new results for hacking
Is Apple Quietly Condoning Siri Hacking?
By John Paul Titlow
Apple isn't exactly known for letting consumers and developers tinker with its products. While the Apple II had expansion slots and a relatively open design, later hardware shipped by the company would become harder to modify. What they sold was what consumers got, with very little room for customization. Today ...
A Brief History Of Black Hat Hacking
By Dylan Love
From model trains to shutting down the CIA's website.
Business Insider
NACTOY's still a joke, Michigan road sign hacking, and Lincoln's ad ...
By Ray Wert
This is the Morning Shift, our one-stop daily roundup of all the auto news that's actually important — all in one place at 9:00 AM. Or, you could spend all day waiting for other sites to parcel it out to you one story at a time. Isn't your time more ...
Hacking BioTech for Fun, Profit and Resilience - Global Guerrillas
By John Robb
There's a revolution going on in biotech. The market for biotech is booming (from drugs to products) and it's getting much less expensive to do. How much less expensive? The cost of the equipment needed to build a functional lab...
Global Guerrillas

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