Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Hackers target supporters of breached security firm
NEW YORK — Victims of a data breach at the security analysis firm Stratfor apparently are being targeted a second time after speaking out about the hacking. Britain's Prince Philip left the hospital Tuesday, after undergoing treatment for a blocked ...
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Hackers could hijack mobile phones
The Local.de
A tech expert has figured out a way that hackers could take control of mobile phones and make calls or send out unlimited numbers of text messages. Karsten Nohl, who runs Security Research Labs in Germany, told the Reuters news agency that while ...
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The Local.de
Anonymous Arm Says It Hacked Stratfor
In Texas, a private intelligence company has apparently been hacked by the loosely organized activist group Anonymous. Some members claim they obtained personal information about Stratfor's clients, as well as thousands of credit cards numbers which ...
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Top 10 hacking scandals of 2011
Hindustan Times
As more and more celebrities join the social networking bandwagon, they also become increasingly vulnerable to hacking. From heads of states to Hollywood celebrities, this year saw a series of hacking incidents involving high-profile victims. ...
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Hindustan Times
Meet Telecomix, The Hackers Bent On Exposing Those Who Censor And Surveil The ...
Hack the planet: Once focused on Sweden, Telecomix's hacktivists have been expanding their international membership—and their targets. (credit: Nicky Bonne for Forbes.) One morning in mid-August, seven months into the Arab Spring protests and ...
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2011 REVIEW: Hacked off
by Dominic Sacco Hacking has been one of the hottest stories of the year. From Wikileaks uncovering Government documents, to News of the World journalists breaking into the phones of celebrities, the story of security breaches has dominated the ...
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Stratfor hacking victims targeted after comments
Click here Stratfor hacking victims targeted after comments Originally published: December 26, 2011 3:13 PM Updated: December 26, 2011 4:39 PM By The Associated Press EILEEN AJ CONNELLY (AP Business Writer) (AP) -- Victims of a data breach at the ...
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Voting machines prone to hacking
The Journal News | LoHud.com
Computers designed for programming invite hacking. There are many computer hackers who are willing to engage our voting machines during an election or even sell out to the highest bidder. Remember, these are not our voting machines. ...
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HP Releases Firmware Update To Prevent Printer Hacking
A few weeks ago, a group of researchers announced that they were able to exploit a security hole in some older Hewlett-Packard printers that allowed them to take the printers over. In one demonstration, they were able to heat up paper to the point ...
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Swedes targeted in 'Anonymous' hack
The Local.se
Dozens of Swedes, including staff at government agencies and telecoms giant Ericsson, had their personal data exposed after a breach at US-based security company, reportedly carried out by activist hacking group Anonymous. According to the Expressen ...
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
The Purpose of the Stratfor Hacking and Potential Consequences ...
By Jeralyn
He's back, now weighing in on the Stratfor hacking of its subscriber and e-mail databases. He says the purpose of the attack was not to obtain the credit card info, but the email database. [More...] Stratfor was not breached in order to obtain ...
Stratfor warns hacking victims of further woes | The Raw Story
By Agence France-Presse
WASHINGTON – US intelligence analysis firm Stratfor has warned its members whose emails and credit card information were hacked that they could be targeted a second time for speaking out on behalf of the company. Online "hacktivist" ...
The Raw Story
Our brave new world; hacking Stratfor — Antony Loewenstein
By Antony Loewenstein
Stratfor was not breached in order to obtain customer credit card numbers, which the hackers in question could not have expected to be as easily obtainable as they were. Rather, the operation was pursued in order to obtain the 2.7 million ...
Antony Loewenstein

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