Monday, December 26, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Hackers Breach the Web Site of Stratfor Global Intelligence
New York Times
While the rest of the world engaged in merriment and good cheer, hackers used the holidays to attack a United States research group that puts out a daily newsletter on security issues. On Saturday, hackers who say they are members of the collective ...
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Lax Security Exposes Voice Mail to Hacking, Study Says
New York Times
But according to a study to be presented Tuesday, cellphone users in Europe and the rest of the world may be just as vulnerable as the actor Hugh Grant and other celebrities to having their personal voice mail hacked — or worse — because of outdated ...
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The hackers, tinkers and teachers of Ann Arbor 'makerspace' All Hands Active
The terms "maker" and "hacker" are used similarly, "hacker" often designating someone who works more with programming and code while "makers" work more with circuits, tools and physical things. Honkala mentioned many in the local makerspace community ...
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Piers Morgan grilled in hacking inquiry
Reuters Video
Dec. 20 - Former British newspaper editor and current CNN talk show host Piers Morgan testified at a UK government backed probe into British press ethics and behavior. Bobbi Rebell reports.
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Iranian Drone Hacking Presents Dire Prospects For US Military Influence in ...
As far as hard power goes, the fact Iran managed to hack a sophisticated drone is a hint that hacking an aircraft carrier based in Bahrain is now possible. The recent recognition of the Armenian genocide by France is a calculated move to distance ...
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G2 quiz of the year: hacking
The Guardian
1 The head of the Press Complaints Commission who stepped down this year after criticism of the PCC's handling of phone hacking was: a) Countess (Petra) Boscombe b) The Hon Beaty Coxcomb c) Dowager Countess (Petronella) Buxom d) Baroness (Peta) ...
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'Anonymous' hackers target US security think tank
Click here 'Anonymous' hackers target US security think tank Originally published: December 25, 2011 4:49 PM Updated: December 25, 2011 7:31 PM By The Associated Press CASSANDRA VINOGRAD (Associated Press), RAMIT PLUSHNICK-MASTI (Associated Press) (AP) ...
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Tianya Hacked, 4 Million Passwords Published
Penn Olson
The series of mega-hacks is continuing in China, with gigantic BBS community Tianya the latest in a series of high-profile hacking cases that has affected numerous internet services and revealed the passwords of millions of internet users. ...
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Penn Olson
Man held for hacking email, changing details
Indian Express
A resident of Kanpur landed in hot water after being caught in a police net after he hacked the email address of another person and changed the account details in order to get funds transferred into his account. The accused identified as 27- year-old ...
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Murdoch tabloid fostered anything-goes spirit
San Francisco Chronicle
Rupert Murdoch's News of the World, the center of a phone-hacking scandal, shut down in July. "It was such good fun," said Paul McMullan. "I mean, how many jobs can you actually have car chases in?" The scene was a public hearing in London on Nov. ...
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Blogs1 new result for hacking
Anonymous Denies Hacking Stratfor - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime
By Jeralyn
[More...] *****. Anonymous has hacked Stratfor, the intelligence think thank, stealing its database of subscribers, email accounts and credit cards. The group says it will steal $1 million from subscribers (many of whom are U.S. Government and ...

Web2 new results for hacking
Piers Morgan defends himself at phone-hacking probe - CNN
Piers Morgan, the former British newspaper editor who now hosts a CNN show, tenaciously defended himself Tuesday from accusations that he knew more ...
Phone hacking quiz of the year 2011 | Life and style |
It's been one of the stories to dominate the news in 2011, but how many details from the hacking scandal can you remember?

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