Wednesday, June 22, 2011

India's Neighbours: The Most Failed States?/5 Ways to Release Depression at Work-T B Vema

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siliconindia Daily dose
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Top news
India's neighbours, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka are featured in the list of the most failed states.
Depression is most likely to occur in a typical office situation. Practice these major tips to release depression at work.
Taxi drivers in Colombo held up traffic, demanding the government should stop allowing anymore use of Tata Nanos on the streets.
After its 21 percent plunge Friday, BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion continued to bleed, with its stock further diving almost seven percent.
CIOs from Star, UTV, Hero Honda, Raymond speaking! Dont miss the CIO Strategy Summit (June 23rd, Mumbai)
Nokia Maps, with its voice-enabled, turn-by-turn navigation makes discovering new places and the best ways to get there a simple task.
Google's Street View service was paused by the Bangalore police who objected it for security issues.
Real estate city
Shriram Smrithi is equipped with all modern amenities. Price at Rs.20 Lacs* onwards.
4 bedroom villas categorized into three types, each with a different floor plan.
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If you are a victim of recovery agents harassment, here is how you can get free from the hue and cry of recovery agents.
Aditya Birla Money is pessimistic on Havells India and has recommended sell rating on the stock with a target of Rs. 350.
Training & Courses
ProEd is an industry leader in providing IBM Mainframe training to retail as well as corporate customers.
SOFTDOT offers educational programs in management, Information technology, Diploma Courses, Hardware & Networking Courses
Humor of the day
Johnny: Daddy, are caterpillars good to eat? Father: Have I not told you never to mention such things during meals! Mother: Why did you say that, Junior? Why did you ask the question?
This woman rushed to see her doctor, looking very much worried and all strung out. She rattles off: "Doctor, take a look at me. When I woke up this morning, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my hair all wiry and frazzled up, my skin was all wrinkled and pasty..
1999 founded Vedicsoft is setting a strong footprint in the IT services industry with a combination of a strong technology focused offerings and an employee friendly management.
An online Social & Collaborative Commerce Platform for branded consumer durable products,, encourages its consumers to Show Off their purchases. In two months of its launch, the company has 12,000 plus registered users and 19,000 fans.
Featured institutions
ISME is one of the top business schools in India located at Bangalore and Navi Mumbai. ISME offers full time Post Graduate Program in Management, Major Specialization in Marketing, Finance, HR and Information Technology.
The International Institute of Business Studies aims to prepare a global talent engine, capable of bringing success in any business environment.
Startup city
'What's wrong with the students of today? Why are our freshers not ready for the working world?' A familiar sentiment, isn't it? If you are an entrepreneur, HR professional or recruitment specialist, chances are that you've expressed this sentiment and lamented over it.
A couple of years back I shared a ride to the Airport from an Innovation event with the Head of R&D at a Multinational which developed cutting edge technology.
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CXO Insights
HR Meets Technology Asking the Right Questions
Sanjay Sathe, Founder and CEO, RiseSmart
Effective management knows that people are the lifeblood of any business; talented employees are by far a company's most valuable asset. This lack of visibility and accountability has left many employers wondering whether they actually receive the benefits promised to them by their outplacement consultants.
Entrepreneurship Rewards
R.Subramanya, Associate Vice President, Educampus
The future of India lies with its young, strong-willed entrepreneurs and the spirit with which this community takes off decides the future standing of this great nation.
Featured questions
The era of Madison Avenue style of marketing is over. How many of you really watch advertisements in the TV and flashing banners on the web page? Customer is no more be hypnotized by "Just Do It" from Nike or "One Drive" from Ford.
Entrepreneur is one who forsees market capabilities and strengthens resources to setup one's own qualitative units. Thus suffices to vision and passion to grow further in the arena of excellence. Entrepreneurship is the token of perceiving the entrepreneur's..
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Blogs: Editor's choice
Neem benefits in nature cure treatment. Neem have been used in a variety of ways both for personal and community health.
It is absolutely true that black money generated and accumulated by Indian businessmen and bribe money earned by servicemen and politicians are mostly parked in Indian banks or invested in landed property.
Featured communities
Today technology is important for life. To get them more knowledge about technology this community has created.
Welcome to the realm of science. It is the only place where we can find the answer to the most difficult question asked ever-what is the Ultimate Truth? Well, answering that is still a long way but at least we should start with the basic route.

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