Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Press Association backs royal correspondent over phone-hacking arrest
The Press Association has declared its "full support" for royal correspondent Laura Elston, who was arrested yesterday on suspicion of phone hacking. Elston was question yesterday by members of the Operation Weeting team before being released on bail. ...
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Did LulzSec Change the Hacking Game, or Just Get Lucky?
PC Magazine
By Chloe Albanesius LulzSec ended its 50-day hacking spree on Saturday night with one final data leak and a call for continued anti-government activity. The group certainly garnered a number of headlines, but what did they accomplish? ...
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Asperger's syndrome hacking suspect Ryan Cleary allowed going home on bail
International Business Times
By Anissa Haddadi | June 28, 2011 9:55 AM GMT A 19-year-old charged with hacking the website of the UK Serious Organised Crime Agency has been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, a court has heard. Rita Cleary (L), the mother of teenager Ryan Cleary, ...
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International Business Times
Sony says it was only hacked because it tried to protect its content
By Dean Wilson EMBATTLED ENTERTAINMENT FIRM Sony claims it was only hacked because it tried to protect its video game content. Sony CEO Howard Stringer, who faces calls for his resignation over the hacking incidents, spoke at a shareholders' meeting ...
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LulzSec's Parting Trojan Is a False Positive
By Robert McMillan, IDG News The LulzSec hacking group sailed off into the sunset Saturday, leaving behind a treasure trove of stolen data along with what some antivirus programs identified as a nasty surprise for anyone who downloaded the Torrent ...
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Most hacking attacks easily avoidable, says government report
TG Daily
Most of the last year's high profile hacking attacks could easily have been avoided, according to a Federal study. In conjunction with non-profit research outfit Mitre and training organization the SANS institute, the Department of Homeland Security ...
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Hacking group LulzSec disbands
AHN | All Headline News
LulzSec released its announcement through a Twitter post, in which the hacking group disclosed that as their final bow 50 days after their first publicized attack they hit the game Battlefield Heroes and accessed internal documents of the Arizona ...
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Anonymous releases counter-hacking manual
Other contents of note include stock letters for officially requesting user information from Internet service providers, and various hacking and coutner-hacking tools. In short, there's really nothing much here that a determined person couldn't have ...
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LulzSec says it's stopped hacking, but criminal case against it gains steam
Christian Science Monitor
Those behind LulzSec – which forced the CIA's public website down and hacked Sony, among other things – are among the most wanted cyber-criminals. The website of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is unresponsive and unavailable after reports ...
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Christian Science Monitor
On Computers: Don't ignore electronic burglars
Dover Post
We rarely hear about residential-system hacking. Viruses, the most frequent result of hackers, are not going away. The last two years, hackers cost us $7 billion, according to a Consumer Reports survey. Some 38 percent of those reported virus ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Technolog from msnbc.com - Pre-caffeine tech: Hacking ends ...
By Technolog from msnbc.com
Our pre-caffeine roundup is a collection of the hottest, strangest, and most amusing stories of the morning.
Newsvine - Technolog from msnbc.com...
Thoughts on Technology: Hacking to make things Usable
By JeffHoogland
I've noticed a disturbing trend occurring with software. Until recent months it was largely limited to closed source software such as iOS, but today we see it even in the FOSS world. Users hacking at locked down software just to get the ...
Thoughts on Technology
Amorphous Hacking Group Disbands, Reorganizes, Rages More On ...
By Adam Biessener
The hacking group Lulzsec has announced its own end via Twitter, while infamous loosely organized anarchist collective Anonymous claims that "all Lulzsec members are accounted for, nobody is hiding."
Ryan Cleary, Teen Hacking Suspect, Released On Bail In U.K.
By The Huffington Post News Editors
LONDON -- A teenager accused of attacking a string of U.K.-based websites has been released on bail. Nineteen-year-old Ryan Cleary was released Monday on condition that he obey a curfew, wear an electronic tag and only leave the house ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
Teenage UK hacking suspect released on bail - seattlepi.com
Nineteen-year-old Ryan Cleary was released Monday on condition that he obey a curfew, wear an electronic tag and only leave the house accompanied by one of his parents. Cleary was arrested last week following a joint Scotland Yard-FBI ...
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