Thursday, June 30, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Al Qaeda web forum hacked, but why?
CBS News
WASHINGTON - A popular jihadist Internet forum has been knocked off the Internet, and counterterrorism experts say it appears it was hacked. Cybersecurity analysts say the al-Shamukh forum appears to have been taken down by a fairly sophisticated ...
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Feds on trail of LulzSec raid Ohio house
By John Leyden • Get more from this author The international investigation into the notorious LulzSec hacking crew has moved from the UK to the US Midwest with the search of a house in Hamilton, Ohio by FBI agents. Feds searched the house without ...
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Hacking group targeting Australian banks
Herald Sun
HACKING group Anonymous is planning to target Australian banks after penetrating the security walls of a Sydney council. After a spate of high profile attacks on companies including Sony, Bank of America as well as the CIA's public website, ...
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Cyber buccaneering hacking group Lulzsec embarks on a new journey,...
New looming threats of larger, more organised hacking groups are arising with the development of the Lulzsec group, disbanding themselves, only to rename themselves under the Antisec name which has attracted a large amount of media attention. ...
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Home > Mobile News > Hacking News > Facebook Hires Hacker for Good
Moss, also the founder of the largest conference for hackers, DefCon, helps companies increase tech security. The push-back against illegal hacking comes during a time of increasingly high-profile cyber-attacks against both government agencies and ...
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Android app offers Wi-Fi hacking of Facebook accounts
Sounds bad, but this video demo drives the message home by showing just how easy it is to do: The app, which works on Android phones that have been rooted, offers "one-touch hacking," says Kevin Mahaffey, founder and chief technology officer at mobile ...
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Hacking spree harms consumer confidence
While the PlayStation Network breach was the most high-profile case in games, sites owned by Nintendo, Codemasters, EA, Bethesda, Epic Games, Square Enix, Sega, Sony Online Entertainment, and BioWare were hacked too. ...
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Email ID hacking case transferred to cyber cell
Times of India
KANPUR: The Nazirabad police transferred the case in which a leather exporter's email ID was hacked and Rs 40000 was withdrawn from her bank account on June 23, to cyber cell of the district for further investigation on Wednesday. ...
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Companies make it easy for hackers
Financial Times
By John Gapper Howard Stringer this week apologised at Sony's annual general meeting in Tokyo for the hacking attacks that contributed to a 24 per cent fall in its shares in the past three months and a 16 per cent cut in his pay as chief executive. ...
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Financial Times
Regulators Ask Banks to Beef Up Security
Forbes (blog)
By MOBILEDIA US financial regulators asked banks step up security measures, as governments and corporations look to overhaul their systems in the wake of recent hacking attacks. The Federal Financial Institutions Council recommended banks perform ...
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