Monday, June 27, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Anonymous ready to roll in post-LulzSec world
by Don Reisinger The hacking organization released information to the Web last night from the Cyberterrorism Defense Initiative's Security and Network Training Initiative and National Education Laboratory (SENTINEL) program. The SENTINEL program was ...
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LulzSec Goes Out With A Bang; Battlefield Heroes, Others Hacked
Gaming Bus
Basically, they took what they could, but in a lot of cases, The A Team was right; most of this isn't advanced level hacking, it's just script kiddie junk on unsecured websites. Ultimately, the most damaged places were the ones that were down for some ...
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Gaming Bus
Tony Blair got hacked
By Dave Neal WALK ON ACTOR in the Simpsons and UK ex-PM Tony Blair has been the victim of an apparent hacking attack and seen his personal details become the source of much internet discussion. Various reports say that Tony Blair, properly known now as ...
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Ryan may win bail: Diagnosed of Aspergers syndrome
International Business Times
By IB Times Staff Reporter | June 27, 2011 8:26 AM EDT Ryan Cleary, the 19 year old student from Wickford, Essex who was arrested in connection with the hacking group Lulzsec is diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. He was charged of hacking the website ...
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International Business Times
Defcon trains child hackers
TG Daily
At the ripe old age of 19, Ryan Clearly, arrested in the UK last week over a series of high-profile hacks associated with LulzSec, is positively long in the tooth. he organizers of the Defcon hacking conference, to take place in Las Vegas this fall, ...
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Human Errors Fuel Hacking as Test Shows Nothing Prevents Idiocy
"The team that hacked us is very organized and had a lot of practice," Uri Rivner, head of new technologies at RSA Security, said at a June 17 conference in Spain. "I can compare them to the Navy Seals Team Six, which hit Osama Bin Laden. ...
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Hit and Hacked, Sony Fights Back
"We are the poster child" of computer hacking, he says more than once. "I feel a little sense of aggrievement…Enough already. If the CIA and the FBI can be hacked, Sony can be hacked…I'm sick of hearing it." Companies from Citibank to Lockheed Martin ...
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Citigroup hacking nets $2.7 million from customers
by Steven Musil About 3400 Citigroup credit card customers suffered a loss of $2.7 million during a security breach earlier this year, according to a Wall Street Journal report. Citi acknowledged earlier this month that a May 10 breach compromised the ...
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198 websites hacked, 90 pct of hackers locals
Sin Chew Jit Poh
KUALA LUMPUR, June 27 (Bernama) -- Of the 198 Malaysian websites hacked recently, 90 per cent of the hacking was done by locals, the Dewan Rakyat was told today. Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said although some ...
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Hacker Group Behind Sony, CIA Breaches Says It's Ending 50 Days of Attacks
By Pavel Alpeyev - Mon Jun 27 03:18:52 GMT 2011 June 22 (Bloomberg) -- Chris Wysopal, co-founder and chief technology officer at Veracode Inc., talks about recent hacking attacks into companies' computer networks and the outlook for cybersecurity. ...
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Blogs4 new results for hacking
LulzSec disbands after 50 days of hacking |
By Matthew Humphries
Jun. 27, 2011 - Over the weekend the now infamous hacking collective known as LulzSec has disbanded much to the relief of many high-profile websites. The group went on a.
LulzSec hacking group disbands |
LulzSec hacking group disbands. Hacking group announces plans to disband, following scores of website security breaches. Feed
Group Who Claimed Hacking Sony Calls It Quits - The Hollywood Reporter
By Carolyn Giardina
The group, who called itself "Lulz Security," did not cite a reason for its decision, though the news comes one week after a teenage hacker allegedly linked to the group was arrested.
Hollywood Reporter - Top Stories
LulzSec Hacking Group Calls it Quits | TechnoBuffalo
By Sean P. Aune
After 50 days, hacking group LulzSec calls it quits.

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