Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
British Police Arrest Man in Hacking Case
New York Times
By J. DAVID GOODMAN The police in Britain arrested a 19-year-old man in connection with digital attacks on businesses and government agencies "by a single hacking group," the Metropolitain Police said Tuesday in a statement. The police did not name the ...
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Teenager arrested in Essex over LulzSec hacking attacks
The Guardian
"The arrest follows an investigation into network intrusions and DDoS attacks against a number of international business and intelligence agencies by what is believed to be the same hacking group. "The teenager was arrested on suspicion of Computer ...
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The Guardian
Andy Gray settles phone-hacking case
The Guardian
Phone hacking: Andy Gray has accepted a £20000 settlement from the publisher of the News of the World. from the Photograph: TalkSport/PA TalkSport presenter Andy Gray has accepted £20000 from News of the World publisher News Group to settle his ...
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The Guardian
19-year-old arrested over Sony hack, London police say
CNN International
By the CNN Wire Staff The group Lulz Security, or LulzSec, takes credit for hacking Sony's PlayStation Network. This photo is from their website. London (CNN) -- A teenager has been arrested near London in connection with the hacking of Sony, ...
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'No evidence' that LulzSec has hacked UK Census
New Scientist (blog)
Reports that the hacking group LulzSec have stolen millions of records from the UK 2011 Census are being investigated, the UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS) said this afternoon. "We are aware of the suggestion that census data has been accessed ...
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Banks to be forced to issue hacking warnings
The announcement comes amid a series of high-profile hacking incidents, which included the theft of 77 million PlayStation network users' personal information from Sony. A spokesman for the British Bankers' Association that "the UK's banks follow the ...
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Local business 'underinsured against hacking'
Mail & Guardian Online
Healy said that there were insurance products available to protect businesses exposed to viruses or hacking attacks and that while liability policies generally only responded to third party claims, certain cyber liability policies would also provide ...
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Operation Anti-Security: New laws force banks to issue hacking warnings
International Business Times
By Alastair Stevenson | June 21, 2011 9:26 AM GMT Just as the hacking collectives LulzSec and Anonymous begin Operation Anti-Security against the world's governments and banks, new EU laws are set to force banks to warn customers when their personal ...
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International Business Times
Hackers Target Sony Pictures France
PC Magazine
By Chloe Albanesius With all the hacking of government Web sites and smaller gaming companies, it seemed like people had almost forgotten about Sony. Not so fast. Two hackers on Sunday said they had successfully targeted the Web site for Sony Pictures ...
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Court puts e-mail case on hold, but Rochester Hills man still faces a hacking ...
Detroit Free Press
BY LL BRASIER The state Court of Appeals has put on hold a felony computer hacking charge against a Rochester Hills man who read his wife's e-mail. But the court will let a charge of illegally accessing CLEMIS, a law enforcement computer system, ...
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Blogs4 new results for hacking
Michigan Appeals Court Issues Stay In Email Hacking Trial « CBS ...
By asaunders
The Michigan Court of Appeals has issued a stay in a computer hacking trial that was scheduled to start this Thursday.
CBS Detroit
Teenager Arrested on Suspicion of Hacking. Possible LulzSec ...
By Brian Ashcraft
According to the BBC, a 19-year-old male was arrested in Essex. Scotland Yard wouldn't confirm if the arrest was connected to a LulzSec attack on a police website, but did confirm it was followed a string of denial of service attacks.
Essex teenager arrested for hacking and DDoS | Security Threats ...
By feedback@zdnet.co.uk (Editors)
The Metropolitan Police Central e-Crime Unit has detained a 19-year-old man on suspicion of offences under the Computer Misuse Act and Fraud Act, with.
Latest Articles in News and Analysis
UK police make arrest in hacking attacks | The Associated Press ...
By The Associated Press
A 19-year-old man suspected of hacking attacks on international businesses and intelligence agencies has been arrested, British police said Tuesday. The Metropolitan Police said the teenager is in custody on suspicion of hacking and ...
Examiner AP RSS

Web1 new result for hacking
Games company Sega becomes latest hacking victim - Yahoo! News
Video game developer Sega says it has been hacked, making it the latest in a string of games companies to be attacked.

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