Saturday, June 25, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Hacking group faces its own hackers - and hubris
The trouble with hacking for glory — as LulzSec ... are doing — is that you want everyone to know what you've done, but you don't want anyone to know who you actually are. And the combination of human nature, where people want their due respect, ...
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Hack charge teenager has Asperger's
Belfast Telegraph
A teenager accused of carrying out a hacking attack against the website of the UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) has been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism, since his arrest, a court has heard. Ryan Cleary, 19, of South ...
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A Timeline of Hacking Group LulzSec's Attacks
ABC News
By AP — Early May: LulzSec sets up shop on Twitter and claims its first series of hacks, leaking what it says is a database of "X Factor" contestants and attacking — May 30: LulzSec breaks into the website of the US Public Broadcasting ...
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Hacked Memos of State Police in Arizona Are Released
New York Times
Two online collectives, Anonymous and LulzSec, have claimed responsibility for a string of Internet attacks in recent months, bringing down Web sites and hacking into corporate and government systems. The attacks by LulzSec, the newer group, ...
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Brazilian government websites hacked
Times of India
RIO DE JANEIRO: Two Brazilian government websites were hacked on Friday in a string of internet invasions that was launched by various groups in January, a statement said. The statistics agency's homepage was replaced by an image file and a warning ...
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Arizona police organization says LulzSec hacking could compromise officer safety
Los Angeles Times
After having hundreds of in-house documents released by hacker group LulzSec, the personal information of numerous Arizona law enforcement officials has hit the Web, said the Arizona Highway Patrol Assn., which added that the disclosure of the ...
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USA Teaching 8-Year-Olds How to Be Hackers
Tom's Guide
Reuters reports that the first-ever Defcon Kids conference will take place this August in Las Vegas, and will teach children ranging from ages eight to sixteen the basics of computer hacking, and how to protect themselves against cyber attacks. ...
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Electronic Arts' BioWare unit hacked
This week, hacking groups Lulz Security and Anonymous announced they have teamed up to target governments around the globe in what they're calling "Operation Anti-Security." Also this week, cloud storage site Dropbox revealed a glitch that let visitors ...
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Hacker pleads guilty to breaching AT&T to obtain iPad user email addresses
Apple Insider
Spitler is allegedly part of the Goatse Security hacking group that orchestrated a security breach of AT&T's servers shortly after the launch of the original iPad. "Computer hackers are exacting an increasing toll on our society, damaging individuals ...
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90 Percent of Companies Have Been Hacked Into, Survey Finds
If hacking a website is akin to throwing toilet paper onto a company's front lawn, then hacking into its internal networks is like breaking into its house and stealing its jewelry. Among that 90 percent of respondents who said they'd been hacked into, ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Hacking for Change: 17 Apps That Could Make a Difference
By Jolie O'Dell
One hackathon with a focus on social good yielded 17 applications that could do a lot to help individuals and communities, too.
Mashable | The Social Media GuideDev...
Arizona DPS: LulzSec hacking started with officers' e-mails
By Ginger Rough
Arizona DPS: LulzSec hacking started with officers' e-mails, Accounts of 7 officers were accessed by group. | news
A timeline of hacking group LulzSec's attacks -
LulzSec sets up shop on Twitter and claims its first series of hacks, leaking what it says is a database of "X Factor" contestants and attacking LulzSec announces that it has broken into Sony Pictures Entertainment, ... Health & Science...
Leaked LulzSec Chat Logs Put Personalities to Hacking Group ...
There's a parent figure, a clever spokesman, and plenty of internal strife.
Latest Posts | The Atlantic Wire
News Desk: To-Do List: Hacking and Fracking : The New Yorker
By David Holmes
To know: The New York Times reports that a cell phone recovered in last month.
News Desk

Web1 new result for hacking
Hacker web attacks: Computer hacking suspect arrested in England ...
A 19-year-old man was arrested in England on suspicion of taking part in Web attacks against businesses and government agencies, authorities said.,0,214439...

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