Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Sony to reshuffle games unit management after hacking
TOKYO, June 29 (Reuters) - Sony Corp's second-in-command, Kazuo Hirai, will relinquish day-to-day control of the company's videogames unit in September, making way for a Welsh-born Sony veteran just months after hackers launched a massive attack ...
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50 Days of Mayhem: How LulzSec Changed Hacktivism Forever
PC Magazine
By Damon Poeter LulzSec didn't invent hacktivism, let alone hacking. But the small crew of publicity-hungry digital pirates may have ushered in a new era for both as they merrily sailed the cyber-seas for 50 days of mayhem that became perhaps the ...
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Phone hacking: Press Association to support Laura Elston
The Guardian
... night after being questioned for several hours by Scotland Yard officers as part of Operation Weeting, the Metropolitan police's investigation launched in January following new allegations about phone hacking involving the News of the World. ...
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The Guardian
Anonymous hackers zoom in on banks
Herald Sun
AUSTRALIAN banks could be the next target of hacking organisation Anonymous, with members warning the group plans on "sailing to Australia". After a series of high profile attacks on companies, including Sony and Bank of America, as well as the CIA's ...
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Phone-hacking inquiry 'drains police resources'
The Independent
By Cahal Milmo and Martin Hickman Britain's top police officer said yesterday he would prefer his detectives to be investigating robberies than pursuing allegations of phone hacking at the News of the World. Sir Paul Stephenson told MPs that he ...
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Butler County Teen Named In International Hacking Case
WKRC TV Cincinnati
A Saint Clair Township teen may be linked to an international computer hacking case now under investigation by the FBI. Our partners at the Journal News say this teen may have been involved in alleged hacking attempts on US and British government ...
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Recommended: Sony CEO asked to step down on heels of hacking fiasco
Although no hacking group has taken credit for the massive Sony breach, at the shareholders meeting Tuesday Stringer indirectly suggested that it was his company's lawsuit against famed hacker George Hotz that inspired the attacks. ...
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US urges banks to tighten online fraud protections
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bank regulators warned banks to be on guard against increasingly clever computer hacking on Tuesday, indicating heightened alert against security breaches that have plagued government and corporate institutions in recent weeks. ...
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Hotz seems to put hacking on hold while working for Facebook
Video Gaming Pros
However, hackers around the globe were furious by this, claiming that Sony did wrong, and the famed group "Anonymous" hacked the PSN, bringing down the network for a month, and collecting precious user data. Well the dust is still being settled ...
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Video Gaming Pros
Star War Galaxies Online Game To Close - Hacking Issues Denied
Sure Start News
On 15 th December this year Sony will announce the close of their famous Star War Galaxies (SWG) Online game. The players received this news via email messages sent to them recently. The main reason Sony explains, is that their contract runs out next ...
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
Hacking log: Facebook hires GeoHot; MasterCard, EA attacked; more ...
By Levi Sumagaysay
Just because LulzSec announced it was quitting doesn't mean the hacking news has. • Facebook has confirmed to at least a couple of publications that GeoHot (George Hotz), whose famous fight with Sony over his jailbreaking of the ...
Lessons learned from LulzSec's 50-day hacking spree | The Last ...
By bacohido
Lessons learned from LulzSec's 50-day hacking spree. Posted on | June 28, 2011 | add a comment. By Byron Acohido, 28June2011. The direct and indirect ramifications of LulzSec's unprecedented hacktivist rampage will take some time to ...
The Last Watchdog
What You Can Do If Your Bank Has Been Hacked: Not Much
By The Huffington Post News Editors
Citigroup has admitted that several thousand customers lost more than $2 million not by misplacing their credit cards, falling victim to scammers or making risky gambles. Their only mistake: trusting the bank with their data.
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Web1 new result for hacking
LulzSec Shuts Down, Ends Hacking Campaign - Yahoo! News
LulzSec, the hacker group that has hacked the CIA, U.S. Senate, Nintendo, Sony and others, has surprisingly announced that it is disbanding.

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