Saturday, June 25, 2011

5 resume mistakes that ruin career/ Engg studs convert moped into race bike

SiliconIndia Campus Buzz...
Friday,June 24,2011
B. V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering & Technology, Hubli, Karnataka
B. V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering & Technology (BVBCET) was established in 1947 at Hubli. The programmes offered by the ... more>>
B. V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering & Technology, Hubli, Karnataka
Education empowers individual, benefits community Agriculture and Education are the two key areas, which will define the fut... more>>
First job advice
By Career News, Online, SiliconIndia
In today's competitive world, silly mistakes in your resume can lead to a major downfall in your career. Regardless of the advantage of good potentials, one can never prosper in his/her career development and is likely to loose a good career opportunity if he ignores... more>>
By Career News, Online, SiliconIndia
The admission season has started and the career counselors are all around. It's the time when wise decisions matter a lot as one should not become prey to the fake institutions by their high decibel advertising. It's very difficult for the young students to identify ... more>>
Bangalore: - It is unimaginable, but innovative brains have done it. A group of young talents from Bangalore have converted a moped into a race veh... more>>
SYDNEY: Thanks to a new discovery, a simple tap from your finger may be enough to charge portable devices like mobile phones and iPads. Simon Ruffe... more>>
Chandigarh: Students of PEC University of Technology have created a biometric Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) that can prevent bogus or multiple vo... more>>
Mangalore: The Engineering students of local Srinivas College in Pandeshwar have invented a 'Sixth Sense Gesture Recognition system' which interact... more>>
Solar cars are yet to hit the market. However, solar cars in various shapes and sizes are being designed and developed across the world. Hans Th... more>>
JAIPUR: A group of five engineering students of Jaipur National University (JNU) won special recognition and best performance awards at NASA for th... more>>
Branch: Computer Science
By Ratnesh Singh, Radha Govind Engineering College, Meerut
To deliver next generation police and law enforcement reporting tools, and setting up intelligence platforms that agencies use to take incoming incident reports, lesse...more>>
Branch: Mechanical
By Rajib Ghosh, Kalyani Government Engineering College, West Bengal
Out door mobile robot has to capability of operation at all weather condition and terrains. For a serpentine robot it is difficult to control its motion and path. Snak...more>>
Branch: MCA
By Ganna Manohar, Auroras Scientific Training and Research Academy, Hyderabad
The objective of this project is to replace the existing manual reading of electricity meters installed throughout the country (home, agricultural, and industrial). Th...more>>
Branch: Electrical
By Raja Sekhar V,Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology & Science, Hyderabad
A great amount of the energy generated by renewable energy-based generation units, e. g . Wind farms, is often rejected because of network restrictions. Moreover, most...more>>
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