Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mech engg students invent Multiple Dosa Machine/ Leadership lessons from the tech gurus

SiliconIndia Campus Buzz...
Saturday,July 30,2011
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering , Bangalore
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering Dayananda Sagar Institutions (DSI) has been into education for close to half a century o... more>>
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering , Bangalore
Dayananda Sagar Group of Institutions numbering Nineteen of which Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering (DSCE) is one was foun... more>>
First job advice
By Career News, Online, SiliconIndia
The world has grown to a phase where technology is almost inseparable from human lives. There are many game changers in the field of technology whose innovative ideas and leadership skills have accelerated this growth. As the world embraces the emerging technologies,... more>>
By Career News, Online, SiliconIndia
The admission season has started and the career counselors are all around. It's the time when wise decisions matter a lot as one should not become prey to the fake institutions by their high decibel advertising. It's very difficult for the young students to identify ... more>>
Chandigarh: Students of PEC University of Technology have created a biometric Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) that can prevent bogus or multiple vo... more>>
Mangalore, June 20: The final year students of the mechanical engineering department of Shrinivas Institute of Technology in Valachil have invented... more>>
New Delhi: Reflecting the rising popularity of social media, more than one-in-five job seekers surveyed in India are actively scouting for employme... more>>
Heriot-Watt University Dubai engineering graduate Mohammad Shariq earns himself two prestigious awards for the invention of his four-legged multi-f... more>>
Kochi : A group of upcoming mechanical engineering students has come up with a novel invention of "ac helmet" to get relief from problems arising o... more>>
Bangalore: Is job interview still a nightmare for you? And does interview failure follows? Inadequate preparation and confidence are the major reas... more>>
Branch: Electrical
By Raja Sekhar V, Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology & Science, Hyderabad
A great amount of the energy generated by renewable energy-based generation units, eg. Wind farms, is often rejected because of network restrictions. Moreover, most of...more>>
Branch: Mechanical
By Sunil Sarjerao Kokate, Shree Vithal Education & Research Institute College of Engineering, Pandharpur
The egr system is a very effective technique for reducing nox emission from a diesel engine, particularly at the high load of engine operation condition where the engi...more>>
Branch: MCA
By Priyanka Mishra, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
Vision (reason for choosing this project): We think that this project will give us enough exposure to the web technology as well as good practice of software engineeri...more>>
Branch: Information Science
By Deepak Kumar, Sobhasaria Engineering College, Sikar, Rajasthan
In the project titled 'digital signature' security is ensured in the messaging system of an organization. In this application, if an employee wishes to send confidenti...more>>
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