Thursday, July 28, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
9/11 Families Meeting Eric Holder Over Murdoch Phone Hacking
Huffington Post
The US-based parent company of Murdoch's operations, News Corp., has said that "we have not seen any evidence to suggest there was any hacking of 9/11 victim's phones, nor has anybody corroborated what are clearly very serious allegations. ...
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UK phone-hacking judge calls for journalists' help
By Avril Ormsby LONDON (Reuters) - The judge in charge of the public inquiry into alleged phone hacking by the British media urged people Thursday not to close ranks and called for journalists to help in his investigation, as he set out its broad ...
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UK phone-hacking probe to start ordering testimony
Prime Minister David Cameron announced the inquiry July 13 in response to public fury at the accusation that people working for Rupert Murdoch's News of the World tabloid illegally hacked into the phone of a missing British schoolgirl who was later ...
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Piers Morgan Slams Phone-Hacking 'Smears'
Sky News
Piers Morgan has furiously denied "smears" that he was involved with phone-hacking while he was editor of The Daily Mirror. The US TV host said claims made by a Conservative MP that he used "phone-hacking for a scoop" are "complete nonsense". ...
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Sky News
Irate NBN chief gives media a serve
ABC Online
ELEANOR HALL: The Australian Federal Police today warned that there would be more arrests over the hacking scandal that sparked concerns about the security of the national broadband network. The Federal Communications Minister denies that the national ...
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Warning over Johnson hacking denial
Boris Johnson would have been attempting to pervert the course of justice if he knew police were actively investigating phone hacking when he described fresh allegations as "codswallop", it has been claimed. The London Mayor's deputy for policing, ...
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Justice to brief 9/11 families on hacking probe
By Susan Candiotti, CNN New York (CNN) -- Families of victims of the 9/11 attacks will meet with top Justice Department officials in late August to discuss whether any of their relatives' phone messages were hacked by employees of News Corp., ...
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35m Cyworld, Nate users' information hacked
The Korea Herald
SK Communications Co. said on Thursday that personal information of its 35 million online users has been hacked, marking South Korea's worst online security breach and sparking fears that the leak could lead to massive online and voice scams in coming ...
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Murdoch Meltdown: Justifies hacking First Amendment?
San Antonio Express
By Gene Policinski For me, as an advocate for a free press, watching the ongoing phone-hacking flap in Great Britain involving News Corp. and media mogul Rupert Murdoch is part fascination, part revulsion and, at least for the moment, just a touch of ...
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Nick Davies will write about phone hacking scandal in "HackAttack"
Christian Science Monitor
Reporting done by British journalist Nick Davies revealed that the News of the World phone hacking scandal was much more widespread than initial police investigations first suggested. By Husna Haq / July 27, 2011 A salacious tabloid shutdown, ...
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Christian Science Monitor

Blogs5 new results for hacking
LulzSec hacking suspect 'Topiary' arrested in the Shetland Islands ...
By Naked Security - Sophos
A 19-year old man, believed to be "Topiary" of the LulzSec hacktivist gang, has been arrested by British police in the Shetland Islands, under suspicion of launching hacking attacks against a number of websites.
Naked Security - Sophos
Alleged Anonymous Members Arrested: This Week in Hacking
By Curt Hopkins
Alleged members of Anonymous arrested. In December of last year, three Dutch teenagers were arrested; in January of this year, British police arrested five alleged members of the hacking collective; another British teen was arrested in ...
Bennett L. Gershman: Did Lawyers Abet the Phone Hacking Scandal?
By Bennett L. Gershman
The hacking scandal is one thing. But as we've seen so many times in U.S. criminal investigations, the cover up may be even worse.
The Full Feed from
Piers Morgan denies phone-hacking | PopWatch |
By Jeff Labrecque
The phone-hacking scandal that has wounded Rupert Murdoch's News Corp and shuttered the News of the World tabloid newspaper is also now threatening CNN's Piers Morgan.
Inquiry begins into hacking scandal - Home » Other Sections ...
A senior judge on Thursday opened an inquiry into Britain's phone-hacking scandal that will start by looking at whether the country needs tougher media regulation. - Breaking News

Web1 new result for hacking
News of the World phone hacking: July 22 as it happened - Telegraph
The latest from July 22 on the News of the World phone hacking scandal which has engulfed the Murdoch media empire and put David Cameron under increasing ...

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