Friday, July 22, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Murdoch Testimony on Hacking Comes Under New Scrutiny
New York Times
By JO BECKER and DON VAN NATTA Jr. LONDON — Testimony by James Murdoch about Britain's phone hacking scandal came under renewed scrutiny on Friday with Prime Minister David Cameron saying that Mr. Murdoch still had "questions to answer" and a lawmaker ...
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UK deputy PM: Chance to clean up press-gov't ties
Britain's deputy prime minister says the tabloid phone hacking scandal has created a once-in-a-generation chance to clean up murky relations among media, police and politicians. Nick Clegg also defended Prime Minister David Cameron at a news conference ...
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News of the World phone hacking scandal: as it happened July 21
All the dramatic developments on Thursday, July 21, in the phone-hacking scandal which has engulfed Rupert Murdoch's News International. By Jonny Cooper, Andrew Hough and Raf Sanchez 20.45 BREAKING A former News of the Worlds news editor has been ...
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US looks into alleged hacking by News Corp.'s ad arm
s advertising arm repeatedly hacked into the computers of a competitor in the United States as part of an effort to steal the rival firm's business, according to a lawyer for the company. Bill Isaacson, the lawyer for Floorgraphics, a New Jersey-based ...
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Murdoch Scandal Fallout: Consumers Make Cell Phone Hacking Easy
ABC News
By LYNEKA LITLE The phone hacking scandal that led to the demise of News of the World and put News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch in the hot seat highlights just how easy it is for predators to break into cell phones. Your phone can be hacked two ways: ...
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ABC News
Who would you cast in phone hacking: the movie?
The Guardian (blog)
Phone-hacking might have started at the News of the World, but it has spread to take in our most powerful institutions: parliament, police, media and Paul McMullan's Dover B&B. It has, of course, been a story with tragic elements, but one that has all ...
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The Guardian (blog)
Report DOJ readies News Corp subpoenas
The News Corp. phone hacking scandal is about to become a federal case in the United States, with the Wall Street Journal reporting on Friday that the Justice Department is preparing subpoenas related to domestic hacking and foreign bribery. ...
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Phone hacking: former NoW news editor Greg Miskiw to return to UK
The Guardian
Photograph: Richard Saker Former News of the World newsdesk executive Greg Miskiw has said he is preparing to return to the UK and that his lawyer has been talking to the British police "for some time" over his alleged role in the phone-hacking scandal ...
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The Guardian
MIT's Public Domain "Theft" Leads to Federal Hacking Charges
International Business Times
By James Lee Phillips | July 21, 2011 10:24 PM GMT A well-known programmer and Internet entrepreneur had been charged for hacking by the US government after transferring a number of academic files to his personal hard drives at the MIT library. ...
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Braff 'still straight' despite website hacking
On Wednesday, the "Scrubs" and "Garden State" star wrote on Facebook that his website had been hacked and defaced with a letter announcing that he is gay, the security firm Sophos reported. "I am excited and proud to announce that I am an open member ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Is Phone Hacking Ever Justified? [OPEN THREAD]
By Zoe Fox
In light of the News of the World phone hacking scandal, we wanted to ask: Is lying to get the truth ever justified?
Mashable » Social Good
Cartoon in Murdoch's Paper Calls Hacking Inquiry a Distraction ...
As news of the phone hacking scandal in Britain dominated the headlines this week, the editorial pages of two newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch claimed that rival news organizations gave the story too much attention.
The Lede
Hacking Scandal Calls Into Question Rupert Murdoch's Legacy ...
Rupert Murdoch has captured headlines with his recent phone hacking scandal. The media mogul, who owns News Corporation and a myriad of subsidiary media organizations, has had to testify on charges that he was involved with illegally ... > Homepage
Murdoch-Owned Times Cartoon About Hacking Scandal Draws Fire ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
One of Rupert Murdoch's British newspapers is drawing fire for a very provocative cartoon about the phone hacking scandal. The cartoon appeared in Thursday's edition of The Times, a News Corp.-owned paper.
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
Hugh Grant Wins Court Battle Over Phone Hacking Probe -
By Us Magazine Team
A British judge awards the actor the right to find out whether News of the World reporters broke into his phone.
Us Magazine All Channel News

Web2 new results for hacking
UK phone-hacking whistleblower found dead: reports | Reuters
LONDON (Reuters) - A former journalist who told the New York Times that phone hacking at Rupert Murdoch's now defunct News of the World was more extensive ...
Report: Phone-hacking whistleblower found dead - World news ...
A former reporter at the News of the World who was the first named journalist to allege a high-ranking editor was aware of phone hacking by staffers has ...

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