Friday, July 29, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
UK lawmakers seek James Murdoch hacking "clarification"
BSkyB Chairman James Murdoch appears before a parliamentary committee on phone hacking at Portcullis House in London July 19, 2011. LONDON (Reuters) - British lawmakers said on Friday they would write to News Corp's James Murdoch asking him to give ...
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Phone-Hacking Inquiry Presses for Further Testimony
Wall Street Journal
By CASSELL BRYAN-LOW LONDON—The parliamentary committee probing phone-hacking allegations against News Corp.'s recently closed UK tabloid has invited written statements from the media giant's deputy chief operating officer, James Murdoch, ...
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Phone-hacking inquiry may take longer than planned, says Lord Justice Leveson
The Guardian
Lord Justice Leveson, appointed by David Cameron to look into the fallout from the phone-hacking scandal, warned yesterday that he may not be able to complete the first part of the inquiry within the planned timescale of a year because its goals had ...
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Phone hacking scandal: July 28 as it happened
The latest updates on the phone hacking scandal as News of the World is accused of targeting the phone of Sarah Payne's mother, which was given to her by Rebekah Brooks. By Raf Sanchez 22.00 That's all from us tonight, join us back here in the morning ...
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Phone hacking row: PCC head Buscombe 'stepping down'
BBC News
The head of the Press Complaints Commission is to resign after growing criticism of its handling of the phone-hacking scandal, the BBC understands. Baroness Peta Buscombe has chaired the watchdog since April 2009 but has faced a backlash over the saga, ...
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BBC News
Piers Morgan and phone hacking - what his record really reveals
The Guardian (blog)
Piers Morgan, not surprisingly, is affecting to miss the point about his link to phone hacking. It isn't that he hacked himself or published anything that resulted from hacking while editor of the News of the World (1994-95) and the Daily Mirror ...
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Hacked society
Korea Times
Korea, the most wired country, is also the most hacked nation in the world. Regulators and portal sites have been sloppy and are useless in cyber security. Hackers infiltrated the personal details of 35 million people Tuesday, over 70 percent of all ...
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Phone-Hacking Scandal Shows Need for Jail in Privacy Cases, Graham Says
By Erik Larson - Fri Jul 29 10:33:34 GMT 2011 The phone-hacking scandal at News Corp. (NWS)'s News of the World tabloid should persuade Britain's government to overcome challenges from the newspaper industry and implement prison sentences for using ...
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Think tank cleared of hacking emails
Waterbury Republican American
BY PAUL HUGHES REPUBLICAN-AMERICAN HARTFORD — A state investigation has cleared a conservative think tank that state employee unions accused of hacking into the state e-mail system. The State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition had alleged the Yankee ...
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Phone hacking scandal: July 27 as it happened
Former Daily Mirror journalist James Hipwell said it was "inconceivable" Mr Morgan did not know about phone hacking Photo: John R. Rifkin By Raf Sanchez 15.47 We'll leave it there for today. Check back in tomorrow for the latest developments and have a ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Were Police Duped Into Arresting the Wrong Hacking Mastermind?
By Adrian Chen
Scotland Yard says they arrested the 19-year-old leader of the hacking group Lulz Security, a hacker with the nickname "Topiary," in Scotland's Shetland Islands. But the internet, goaded on by idiot vigilantes, seems to think they have ...
More Piers Morgan Phone Hacking Drama! |
By Perez Hilton
The drama continues! Earlier this month, a conservative member of Parliament made allegations toward Piers Morgan, which included him in the recent phone hacking scandal. As soon as Morgan heard...
Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity...
James Murdoch Questioning May Continue as Hacking Scandal ...
By Mimi Turner
The House of Commons Committee that compelled the Murdochs to give evidence last week will meet Friday to discuss recalling BSkyB chairman James Murdoch, who is also News Corp.'s deputy COO.
Hollywood Reporter - Top Stories
News Corp polls shareholders amid hacking crisis -
LOS ANGELES (AP) — News Corp. has begun surveying its largest investors in an attempt to address their concerns amid the phone-hacking and alleged police bribery crisis at the company's now shuttered British tabloid, according to a ...
Business Heds Index
Rebekah Brooks Ensnared in New Phone-Hacking Allegations | The ...
By Lucas Shaw
Phone was a gift to a young murder victim's mother from the News of the World editor, so the mother could stay in touch with reporters. - Entertainment Industry...

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