Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Phone hacking: Piers Morgan issues angry Twitter rebuttal
Piers Morgan took to Twitter to issue an angry rebuttal to critics who have accused him of presiding over a culture of phone hacking while editor of the Daily Mirror. By Raf Sanchez The CNN presenter awoke at his US home to find Twitter and the ...
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More arrests to come over NBN hacking
The Australian
Cowara man David Cecil is led into court in Orange to be charged with 50 counts over alleged hacking linked to the NBN. Picture: Jeff Death Source: The Daily Telegraph FEDERAL cyber-crime investigators may make more arrests over the hacking of an ...
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Phone hacking: meetings between politicians and media is inevitable, says Tony ...
Contact with senior media executives is an inevitable part of life for political leaders in modern Britain, former prime minister Tony Blair has said. Mr Blair was speaking after the release of official documents showing that Cabinet ministers in the ...
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LulzSec, 'Anonymous' May Win Grand Prize at Hacker Convention
Fox News
The computer hacking community is gearing up for its own version of the annual Oscars, with two notorious "hacktivist" groups and industry heavyweight WikiLeaks among those vying for the top award. Sony and EMC's RSA Security division will also be ...
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Fox News
Cameron's poll rating hammered after phone-hacking revelations
A new poll has shown that while phone-hacking has boosted Ed Miliband's popularity, it has failed to significantly lift Labour's election prospects. David Cameron has accepted the bulk of Labour's demands over the inquiry into the phone-hacking scandal ...
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India's HCL Questioned in Phone Hacking Scandal
PCWorld (blog)
By John Ribeiro, IDG News India's HCL Technologies has been questioned by the UK Parliament's Home Affairs Committee inquiring into a phone-hacking scandal, following allegations in Parliament that the outsourcer was involved in destroying data on ...
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Law firm stops work on inquiry into phone hacking
Financial Times
By Caroline Binham, Salamander Davoudi, Ben Fenton and Jim Pickard BCL Burton Copeland, the law firm, is no longer advising News International about an investigation into phone hacking. The firm stopped working for NI, which publishes Rupert Murdoch's ...
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Police insisted only one journalist knew about hacking, says ex-DPP
Evening Standard
Police assured prosecutors five years ago that only one News of the World journalist was involved in the hacking scandal, MPs were told today. Lord Macdonald, the former Director of Public Prosecutions, said Met detectives were asked in 2006 by a ...
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Evening Standard
Journlist signs book deal on phone-hacking story
CBS News
(CBS/AP) Get ready to read more about the phone hacking scandal that has rocked British government and Rupert Murdoch's media empire. Some of those involved, including Guardian journalist Nick Davies, whose reporting helped uncover details of the ...
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Meetings Indicate British Officials' Links to Murdochs
New York Times
By JOHN F. BURNS and RAVI SOMAIYA LONDON — As the phone hacking scandal struck the heart of British politics in recent weeks, one figure has been notably silent: the chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, who, by several accounts, ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Blush: Hacking | Ads of the World™
By ivan
Blush: Hacking. Average: Select rating, Give it 1/10, Give it 2/10, Give it 3/10, Give it 4/10, Give it 5/10, Give it 6/10, Give it 7/10, Give it 8/10, Give it 9/10, Give it 10/10. Your rating: None Average: 5.2 (9 votes) ...
Ads of the World™
Hacking IPv6 Networks (slides) - SecurityFocus
SecurityFocus is designed to facilitate discussion on computer security related topics, create computer security awareness, and to provide the Internet's largest and most comprehensive database of computer security knowledge and ...
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
Blogger Claims to Have Evidence CNN's Piers Morgan Knew of Hacking ...
By D.M. Levine
The English blogger who has, for weeks, been accusing Piers Morgan of involvement in the ballooning U.K. hacking scandal, now says he is sitting on a recording in which Morgan admits as much.
Adweek : Television
Hacking Chutzpah: Rival Feasts on Murdoch's Woes, Sans Irony ...
By Jeff Bercovici
It's a great time to be in competition against Rupert Murdoch. With the News Corp. chairman on the ropes, his rivals are feeling emboldened, and some of them are even feeling some nice financial tailwinds. Martin Morgan, whose Daily ...
Mixed Media
Recording Of Piers Morgan Admitting Knowledge Of Phone Hacking ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
The British blogger who has led the way in alleging that CNN's Piers Morgan was complicit in phone hacking while a tabloid editor is now claiming that he has a recording to prove it. Morgan has become a top target in the phone hacking ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed

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