Sunday, July 24, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
New UK Tabloid Dragged Into Hacking Scandal
Now storm clouds are gathering over the Trinity Mirror group, the publisher of Britain's left-leaning Mirror tabloid, amid allegations that phone hacking was rife there as well. James Hipwell, who used to work at the Mirror, said hacking was a common ...
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News Corp phone hacking scandal: Could it happen here?
The Star-Ledger - (blog)
By John Farmer/The Star-Ledger Could something akin to the hacking scandal that has turned Britain upside down and trashed its politicians, the police and the press — or something like it — occur here? The odds are against it, not so much for reasons ...
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The Star-Ledger - (blog)
Britain: who else hacked phones?
Gettysburg Times
(AP Photo/Matt Dunham) The chief villain in Britain's phone hacking scandal, the News of the World tabloid, is history, shut by owner Rupert Murdoch. But was it the only shadowy practitioner in Britain's cutthroat media market? ...
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Scottish police get access to News of the World 'hacking' list
Herald Scotland
By Scottish Political Editor Tom Gordon POLICE inquiries into possible phone hacking by the News of the World in Scotland are expected to accelerate dramatically this week when Scottish officers finally get access to the 11000 pages of notes made by ...
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How phone hacking scandal took the shine off the Prime Minister
The Guardian
But in private MPs complain of U-turns and being marginalised by an elite that lavished attention on News International David Cameron outside Downing Street on his way to make his phone-hacking statement to parliament. ...
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The Guardian
Phone hacking: prevent others having News Corp's influence, Cable says
The Guardian
Cable also said that "big questions" remained over whether Murdoch's empire was fit and proper to control a UK broadcaster in the wake of the phone-hacking scandal, and revealed there had been "heavy lobbying" by News Corporation over its bid for full ...
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The Guardian
Tories did deal with Murdoch over BBC licence fee
The Prime Minister has been criticised for hiring Andy Coulson, the former News of the World editor who was arrested by police investigating phone hacking, as his director of communications. He is also good friends with Rebekah Brooks, former chief ...
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Who else should sit on "defendant's seat" for phone-hacking scandal
BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- As more media executives, police officers and politicians were involved in the phone-hacking scandal, people cannot help but ask who should be held responsible for the scandal that greatly outraged the public. ...
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Miliband mulls MPs' demands to remove hacking-inquiry judge
The Independent
By Jane Merrick, Jonathan Owen, Brian Brady and Martin Hickman Ed Miliband is considering demands by MPs for the judge in charge of the phone-hacking inquiry to be removed from his post after reports that he had socialised with members of Rupert ...
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Kate Middleton and family may have been phone hacking victims
The Duchess of Cambridge and her family may have been victims of the phone hacking scandal. By Roya Nikkhah and Robert Mendick The Sunday Telegraph understands that the Duchess, her family and many members of the Royal household with close connections ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Shocked By News Corp Phone Hacking Revelations? Please. [TCTV ...
By Scott Merrill
The innocence of the British parliament tearfully quizzing News Corp executives over revelations that phone hacking was used in the pursuit of tabloid scoops. The innocence of those same executives who were "shocked, appalled and ...
James Murdoch Under Threat As Hacking Scandal Spreads
By The Huffington Post News Editors
LONDON — Media scion James Murdoch, his father's heir apparent, was under fire Friday over claims by former newspaper executives that he misled lawmakers about what he knew, and when, about Britain's phone-hacking scandal.
The Full Feed from
Jude Law | News of the World | Phone Hacking | The Daily Caller
By Alec Jacobs
Actor Jude Law claims his phone was hacked by News of the World.
The Daily Caller
James Hipwell, Former Daily Mirror Staffer, Says Hacking Was ...
By Rosie Gray
A former reporter at the U.K. tabloid the Daily Mirror told the Independent that phone hacking was.
Runnin' Scared
Former Daily Mirror Reporter Says Phone Hacking Widespread at ...
By Andre Tartar
Said "it was seen as a bit of wheeze." Oh, those Brits.
Daily Intel

Web3 new results for hacking
British phone-hacking probe expands beyond Murdoch papers -
A British police investigation into illegal phone hacking by journalists has expanded beyond Rupert Murdoch's disgraced News of the World tabloid to many ...
The Phone Hacking Scandal By The Numbers - ProPublica
A breakdown of some important stats in the scandal so far.
Hacking into voicemail is easy, experts say -
Most U.S. wireless carriers don't require use of a PIN to access voice mailboxes .

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