Sunday, July 31, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Police Broaden UK Hacking Probe
Wall Street Journal
s now-closed News of the World to incorporate possible computer hacking. In a new probe they have dubbed Operation Tuleta, the Metropolitan Police, known as Scotland Yard, are launching a formal investigation into privacy breaches beyond the ...
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Labour urges Cameron to "come clean" in hacking row
LONDON — Labour challenged Prime Minister David Cameron on Sunday to "come clean" over his links with the Murdoch media empire, reviving pressure on the government over phone hacking. In letters to Cameron and senior ministers, Labour asks dozens of ...
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Phone hacking: Trinity Mirror drawn into the spotlight by Morgan
The Guardian (blog)
There is no suggestion that the payments concerned phone hacking (or any illegal activity), but the company will need to get on to the front foot if it is to distance itself from the new swirl of speculation about its former news-gathering practices. ...
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Scandal threatens Murdoch empire
The News Journal
James Murdoch and father Rupert Murdoch give evidence on the News of the World phone-hacking scandal to Parliament's Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee this month. / AP FILE Rupert Murdoch, chairman and CEO of New York-based News Corp., ...
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Lawyers 'furious' over criticism in hacking scandal
The Independent
By James Hanning and Matt Chorley ap Senior lawyers at royal solicitors Harbottle & Lewis are "furious" at the way they have been blamed by Rupert Murdoch and others in the wake of the phone-hacking scandal, The Independent on Sunday has learned. ...
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Ben Riley-Smith: Can hacking ever be justified?
The Independent
Another week, another alleged target named and another new low in the phone-hacking scandal. On Thursday it was revealed that Sara Payne, the mother of murdered schoolgirl Sarah Payne, who became a "dear friend" of Rebekah Brooks, may have been hacked ...
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Staff at Murdoch US tabloid told not to delete key documents
Staff at the New York Post, Rupert Murdoch's American tabloid, have been instructed by company lawyers to save any documents that might relate to phone hacking and bribery. By Philip Sherwell, and Patrick Hennessy The directive is a sign that News ...
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Phone hacking nothing new, experts say
Victoria Times Colonist
"Criminals can use this voicemail hacking thing to really, really screw you in terms of long-distance charges," Purita says. "It's an easy thing that's been around for a long time." Criminals commit toll fraud when they hack into your voicemail account ...
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British to Expand Inquiry Into Murdoch Media
New York Times
Dozens of civil lawsuits have been filed over allegations of phone hacking. And 10 former News of the World employees, including the newspaper's former editor, Andy Coulson, and the former News International chief executive, Rebekah Brooks, ...
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FBI investigating alleged News Corp 9/11 hacking
The FBI is in the initial stages of an investigation of News Corp. over allegations employees hacked into a rival's website and its reporters sought access to phone records of 9/11 victims, Bloomberg reported yesterday. The FBI is pursuing a claim that ...
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
News of the World Phone-Hacking Scandal May Upgrade to a Computer ...
By Ray Rahman
London police announced that the phone-hacking investigation is expanding in order to check out "a number of allegations regarding breach of privacy received by the [Metropolitan Police Service] since January 2011," including (but not ...
Daily Intel
Computer Hacking Done by 'News of the World'? | Gather
By Julia Bodeeb
The News of the World scandal could get more explosive. It is already very heated as many celebrities claim their phones were hacked. There are also...
Gather News Channel
hacking .gov shortened links | (R news & tutorials)
By Harlan
This past Friday, the web portal to the US Federal government,, organized hackathons across the US for programmers and data scientists to work with...

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