Monday, August 22, 2011

Lokpal Impractical: Aruna Roy/Indians Worldwide support Anna with Pro-Anna Rallies/5 Facebook Mannerisms-T B Vema

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siliconindia Daily dose
Monday, August 22, 2011
Top news
"Jan Lokpal is a bill impossible to implement. Also, it derails the checks and balances between the judiciary, other organs of the democratic structure." Roy said.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh regretted India's low filing of patents compared to several developing countries.
Startup city
It is expected that despite of several measures, the corruption will remain unchanged for next two years. Read to know why.
Ever since Charles Babbage invented computer, it has undergone several changes. Now is the time for Tablets.
Facebook is the best way to keep in touch with friends and people you love but at times it becomes a difficult piece to tackle as people lack social mannerisms.
Betting big on small and medium businesses in the country, leading software company TCS targets a four-fold jump in the number of such clients to 1,000 this fiscal.
Real estate city
Welcome to a new world free of Pollution and cycle to a healthy life style; thats Zed Miles for you.
2 & 3 bedroom homes near Metro station, western corridors of Bangalore from Sobha Aspire.
iaccept: Technology that employers and job seekers have been waiting for.
Personal finance
With the world in the shape it is today, managing personal finance should be at the top of everyone's list.
Becoming a savvy consumer is essential to make your money stretch that little bit further. Most of us use the web to shop for a variety of items.
Training & Courses
Intl. Stemcell Services offered StemCell Banking for Regenerative Medicine facilities including, therapies, expansion & more
VECTOR INSTITUTE : Offers (HYD/BLR) Embedded System / VLSI - 100% Placement assistance : All India Entrance Test-14Aug
Humor of the day
A lady goes into a shop to a buy a new television. She decides on a simple model, but of course the sales assistant tries desperately to persuade her to get a more sophisticated (and more expensive) model. "Look ma'am, it's got remote control!"
Bill and Hill go up a hill to grab a full tank of petrol. While Bill hunts in his oldest pair of jeans for usable money, Hill looks around at the scenery. Suddenly a guy walks out of the building and he..
Mukund Mohan's experience in the sales and marketing made him see how the companies in India were struggling in retaining their brand loyalty. So he brought forth Jivity, to helps them keep their employees and customers engaged.
The sudden explosion in data driven by high end portable devices has led to intense congestion in cellular network. InteliNet Technologies solves this with its patented Wi-Fi offloading solutions.
Featured institutions
ISME is one of the top business schools in India located at Bangalore and Navi Mumbai. ISME offers full time Post Graduate Program in Management, Major Specialization in Marketing, Finance, HR and Information Technology.
The International Institute of Business Studies aims to prepare a global talent engine, capable of bringing success in any business environment.
The finance minister expressed satisfaction over the performance of the economy in the aftermath of the global meltdown and sees a good future growth for India.
IT company Omnitech has said it is looking to acquire an IT firm in Europe with revenue of $20-25 million to expand global footprint and strengthen expertise in a industry vertical.
'Retail PRO' POS Software, International product at India price
CXO Insights
Beat the slump by thinking offshore
Ravi Thummarukudy VP & GM of the IC Solutions Division, GDA Technologies
Successful business strategies are often designed in response to rapidly changing business conditions and therefore need to be dynamic.
Head: Peering over the event horizon
Ram Menon Executive VP, Worldwide Marketing, TIBCO
The logical pathways which lead an application to interpret meaning are still being formed, and the understanding of how certain activities should ensue is growing.
Featured questions
Blog Posting means creating a blog on blogs site like and then keep posting some articles called blog posts into then on regular basis.
Social marketing is the systematic application of marketing along with other concepts and techniques to achieve specific behavioral goals for a social good.
Free register for oracle SOA suit virtual event
Blogs: Editor's choice
In the Indian cultural milieu, we are exposed to "heroism" from our most impressionable young age till we get buried or burnt.
During this crisis, access to funding is a problem because banks are in desperate need of capital and can't take risks that in ordinary times would be prudent.
Life & Style
Here are some best health resorts you can pick up to get awakening therapies, revitalizing treatments and exclusive spa experience.
Here is how you can ensure having a fun-filled and memorable trip with those loved ones.
Top IT Companies are hiring Fresher Techies (2010-11) Pass outs

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