Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Britain's phone-hacking scandal sizzles on
By CASSANDRA VINOGRAD and MEERA SELVA Britain's phone hacking scandal, where journalists at the News of the World tabloid eavesdropped on the voice mails of royals, celebrities, politicians and even a teenage murder victim, has shaken Rupert Murdoch's ...
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Phone hacking: Tories face questions over cash for Andy Coulson
Mr Coulson stepped down as editor of the News of the World in January 2007 when Clive Goodman, the newspaper's former royal editor, was convicted of phone hacking. Six months later, Mr Coulson was hired by the Conservatives on a reported salary of ...
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Holder to meet with 911 families on hacking
11 attacks to update them on his investigation into whether their relatives' phones were hacked by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. Holder said earlier this month he is taking the families' concerns "seriously" as the FBI probes allegations that ...
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Google hacking exposes large caches of personal data
USA Today (blog)
By Byron Acohido, USA TODAY Google hacking, which has been on the rise this summer, is a bit of a misnomer. Also known as Google dorking, Google hacking refers to cybercriminals' enterprising use of Google's advanced search functions to find caches of ...
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USA Today (blog)
Epson, HSBC Korea, domain registrar hacked: 100000 domains affected
ZDNet (blog)
By Zack Whittaker | August 23, 2011, 8:00pm PDT Summary: A number of Korean websites, including Epson, HSBC and domain registrar Gabia, have been hacked, apparently by Turkish hackers. A series of hacks have hit the South Korean population, ...
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Chinese documentary shows off hacking tools aimed at Falun Gong
By Robert McMillan and Michael Kan | Published: 14:20, 24 August 11 A hacking video has emerged, showing a glimpse of an anti-Falun Gong attack tool, during a rather mundane documentary about hacking produced by the state-sponsored China Central ...
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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Gameplay Analysis: Hacking
Hacking in Deus Ex could be rendered redundant by some of the handier methodology available to you, but the hacking in Human Revolution is arguably mandatory for those who want the complete experience. It's a dualistic beast, too. ...
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Hacked Medical Device Sparks Congressional Inquiry
both members of the House communications and technology subcommittee--was sparked by a medical device hacking demonstration earlier this month at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas. TechWebTV catches up with Whisper Systems' CTO and co-founder Moxie ...
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Confident Technologies' New Authentication "KillSwitch" Identifies and Stops ...
Marketwire (press release)
"Although there are complex hacking attacks that can target organizations, today's most common attack methods are still quite basic: keyloggers that steal a person's username and password, brute-force dictionary attacks on the login, or simply guessing ...
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Android becoming Windows of mobile hacking world?
By Tom Brewster, 23 Aug 2011 at 15:12 Android officially became the most attacked mobile operating system by far in the second quarter (Q2), indicating it is emerging as the Windows of the mobile hacking world. McAfee data showed the amount of Android ...
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