Monday, August 22, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Med-device hacking poses deadly potential
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Photo: Isaac Brekken, Associated Press Hundreds of cyber-security geeks watched recently as Jay Radcliffe stood on a Las Vegas stage and hacked into his own insulin pump, disabling its life-saving therapy. The 33-year-old cyber-security researcher said ...
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Phone hacking: David Cameron's 'love letters' to Rebekah Brooks
by Tim Walker Too great a degree of affection for Rebekah Brooks, the ousted News International chief executive at the centre of the phone hacking scandal, is now regarded in Westminster as the love that dare not speak its name. ...
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Louise Mensch claims Anonymous and Lulzsec threatened her children
The Guardian
Louise Mensch has claimed on Twitter she has been targeted by hacking groups Anonymous and LulzSec. Photograph: Karen Robinson Conservative MP Louise Mensch has claimed she has received threats against her children from the hacking groups Anonymous and ...
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The Guardian
Detective on phone-hacking probe team is arrested
By Kelly Fiveash • Get more from this author A police officer working on Scotland Yard's investigation into alleged phone-hacking at the now-defunct Sunday tabloid the News of the World was arrested by cops from the anti-corruption unit of the ...
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HK trader arrested for hacking online exchange
Hong Kong police have arrested a businessman for the hacking attacks on the Hong Kong stock exchange earlier this month. Police said the suspect, who they described as 29 years old, is detained in Kwuntung, according to a report Friday night on Radio ...
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Lateral approach to protective hacking
Hacking into the computer systems of banks and government departments is usually the preserve of cyber criminals, but Ratu Mason and Nick von Dadelszen have turned it into a flourishing – and legitimate – business. They own Wellington company Lateral ...
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Opinion: Starting The Next Project By Hacking The Old One
by Fabrice Lété [Console/PC, Business] [In this reprinted #altdevblogaday-opinion piece, Fishing Cactus developer Fabrice Lete discusses how to go about using code from a previous game efficiently.] Project number #n is done, it's time to work on ...
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Political, economic hacking needs attention
ZDNet Australia
Hacking for political and economic purposes isn't getting the attention it deserves, says McAfee's vice president of threat research, Dmitri Alperovitch, who uncovered the Operation Shady RAT hacks. McAfee's report on Operation Shady RAT (PDF) revealed ...
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How News of the World's Milly Dowler stories changed between editions
The Guardian (blog)
This amounts to an explicit acknowledgment that the tabloid targeted her phone for illegal hacking. The company hasn't released that person's name." The Journal then deals in detail with key differences in three stories published in separate NotW ...
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SpyEye hacker toolkit to lead to surge in cyberattacks
USA Today
"Every level of criminal, from the lowest to the highest rungs, can now use one of the deadliest Swiss Army knife hacking toolkits in the world," say Sean Bodmer, senior threat intelligence analyst at network security firm Damballa. ...
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USA Today

Blogs3 new results for hacking
Hacking A2DP support into an old car stereo - Hack a Day
By Mike Nathan
[Roofus] had an older car, and unfortunately his stereo's cassette player just wasn't doing it for him. He always wanted to simply get into his car, pull out his cell phone, and have his music ready to play without any fuss.
Hack a Day
Lateral approach to protective hacking |
By Claire Rogers
Hacking into the computer systems of banks and government departments is usually the preserve of cyber criminals, but Ratu Mason and Nick von Dadelszen have turned it into a flourishing – and legitimate – business. - Business
The Art of Non-Conformity » One-Hour Travel Hacking Class Now ...
By Chris Guillebeau
By popular request, you're invited to join me for a one-hour online class on the basics of travel hacking: how to see the world on a budget. We'll discuss at least 8 ways to earn a free plane ticket in the next 60 days. ...
The Art of Non-Conformity

Web1 new result for hacking
Damning 2007 letter asserts that phone hacking was an open ...
Goodman then claims that other members of staff at the News of the World were also hacking phones. Crucially, he adds: "This practice was widely discussed ...

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