Thursday, August 25, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Holder Gives 9/11 Families Few Details on Hacking Probe
Fox News
11 attacks that the Department of Justice is vigorously investigating allegations that employees of News Corp. may have hacked into phones used by victims and/or their family members. "(Holder's) words with regard to the allegations, he said they were ...
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Fox News
Chinese state TV shows military cyber hacking clip
By Melanie Lee SHANGHAI Aug 25 (Reuters) - A six-second clip on Chinese state television has provided a rare glimpse into purported cyber hacking attacks launched by the country's military, despite long-standing official denials that the government ...
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U.K. Police Charge 22 Year Old in 'Anonymous' Hacking Probe
By Kit Chellel - Thu Aug 25 13:29:10 GMT 2011 A 22-year-old man was charged with computer offenses by UK police investigating attacks on companies carried out by the hacking group Anonymous. Peter David Gibson, a student from Hartlepool, England, ...
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Yale Social Security Numbers Exposed In Latest Case Of 'Google Hacking'
Huffington Post
Google hacking has been around for a few years, but has recently become easier as Google indexes greater quantities of information, Brown said. While less than 11 million PDF documents were searchable in Google in 2004, there are now 513 million, ...
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Phone hacking: Andy Coulson and David Cameron's conversation that never was
Andy Coulson was, apparently, never asked by his boss David Cameron how he could afford to take a pay cut of almost 50 per cent. By Tim Walker Most employers would be surprised if any of their hirelings was happy to accept a pay cut of almost 50 per ...
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Personal hacking breaches 'startling'
Calgary Herald
By Sherri Zickefoose, Calgary Herald August 25, 2011 3:15 AM Albertans are getting no better at protecting their personal information, and the statistics for reported hacking breaches are "startling," according to the privacy commissioner. ...
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Chinese cyber-hacking caught on camera?
Behind the Wall
By Ed Flanagan, NBC News BEIJING – Following the high-profile 2010 news in China that Google was hacked, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton responded in a statement in which she pointedly said, "We look to the Chinese government for an explanation. ...
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Audit Notes: Steve Jobs, WSJ on Hacking, NYPD As Domestic CIA
Columbia Journalism Review (blog)
I was pretty critical of The Wall Street Journal a couple of weeks ago in criticizing a thin story it put out on a non-News Corp. hacking-scandle angle. So I'd be remiss not to note that the Journal finally gave its parent company's hacking scandal the ...
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Out of storm's way...Gadhafi bounty...Hacking probe
9&10 News
WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General Eric Holder has ordered a preliminary criminal investigation of a report of possible phone hacking targeting 9/11 victims and their families by journalists at Rupert Murdoch's now-shuttered News of the World. ...
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Medical: Could implanted medical devices be hacked?
The Republic
Although there are no reports that anyone has used an implanted medical device to intentionally harm someone, there have been several experiments that demonstrated hacking into the gear is possible. Researchers from the University of Massachusetts and ...
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Blogs4 new results for hacking
Hacking Update: Attorney General Meets With 9/11 Families; News ...
"This totally undermines its claim to be co-operating with those investigating phone-hacking and smacks of a cover-up." Coulson quit his government job in January and was arrested July 8 after revelations emerged of hacking at NOTW ...
NewsDaily: Chinese state TV shows military cyber hacking clip
By Melanie Lee
A six-second clip on Chinese state television has provided a rare glimpse into purported cyber hacking attacks launched by the country's military, despite long-standing official denials that the government engages in such activity.
NewsDaily: Top Headlines
AG will investigate phone hacking report involving Murdoch media ...
By UnBylined
WASHINGTON — Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday promised 9/11 families a preliminary criminal investigation into a report of possible phone hacking involving the Rupert Murdoch media empire. Following a meeting at the Justice ...
Bangor Daily News
AG calls phone hacking report 'very disturbing' - Home » Other ...
Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday called a report of possible phone hacking of 9/11 victims and their families very disturbing and he assured them that the department will pursue a preliminary criminal investigation of the ... - Breaking News

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