Sunday, August 28, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Labour seeks support on tightening media takeover rules
BBC News
The News Corp bid for BSkyB was withdrawn amid claims of phone-hacking at its newspaper News of the World. A Tory source said the government was already committed to reform. BBC political correspondent Carole Walker says News Corp's bid to gain full ...
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BBC News
Insulin pump maker identified after hacking talk
Hacking attacks tend to get easier as more people do them, because hackers can write programs to automate the most cumbersome tasks. The tension is more than an inside-baseball ethical dilemma about how security professionals should deal with companies ...
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Hacking Groups Threaten Children Of Brit MP
A conservative member of British Parliament says hacking groups made threats against her children after she urged the shutting down of social networks during the riots. Louise Mensch, in a post on Twitter from New York Monday, said the groups Anonymous ...
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No 9/11 hacking probe details revealed to families
China Daily
Holder tried to reassure them that they were taking the investigation seriously and that if there was evidence of even attempted hacking, they would try to prosecute those responsible, they said. "I was heartened by what he had to say," said Diane ...
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New York scraps $27million contract with Rupert Murdoch company as hacking ...
Daily Mail
Revelations of wide spread phone hacking and police bribery have already brought down News Corp.'s British tabloid 'News of the World'. The US Attorney General is currently investigating claims Murdoch's media empire hacked the phones of any 9/11 ...
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Daily Mail
James Bulger's killer Robert Thompson 'had phone hacked by NOTW'
Robert Thompson, who was convicted of the murder of James Bulger, has been told his mobile phone may have been hacked by the News of the World. Metropolitan Police officers working on Operation Weeting have contacted Thompson to let him know his ...
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News of the World fallout sees takeovers stall on fear investigators break ...
This is Money
Areas that newly nervous business clients want to avoid include hacking of any sort, including of computers, impersonating public officials, stealing files or computer disks and posing as potential clients or staff. The need for investigators to ...
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This is Money
Miliband demands new crackdown to prevent Murdoch buying BSkyB
Daily Mail
By Brendan Carlin, Mail on Sunday Political Reporter Labour sought to put fresh pressure on David Cameron over the phone-hacking scandal last night by demanding new laws to ban Rupert Murdoch from buying BSkyB. Labour leader Ed Miliband challenged Mr ...
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Daily Mail
Police: Mom Kills Daughters; Hacks Self With Hatchet
WYFF Greenville
ASHEVILLE, NC -- An Asheville mother is accused of killing her two young daughters with a hatchet on Saturday, and then hacking herself in the head. Police responded to a call for help at a home on Shannon Drive in east Asheville just after 10 am ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Hacking cars – Off the Kuff
By Charles Kuffner
Then, the thief must get close to the target vehicle and run a hacking tool to see if that car is using a vulnerable security system. After all that effort, the car's steering wheel may still be mechanically locked, preventing the hacker from driving ...
Off the Kuff
More POV fan message hacking - Hack a Day
By Mike Szczys
[Zach's] company is all about the safety and to reinforce those ideals they handed out POV display fans to each employ. "Being Safe is Cool", get it? Gimmicky... yes, but not [Zach's] got a tidy little POV fan to hack.
Hack a Day

Web3 new results for hacking
Murdoch tabloid private eye delivers hacking names | Reuters
LONDON (Reuters) - A private detective jailed for illegally intercepting voicemail messages on behalf of a journalist at one of Rupert Murdoch's British tabloids ...
AG will investigate phone hacking report - US news - Security ...
Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday promised 9/11 families a preliminary criminal investigation into a report of possible phone hacking involving the ...
9/11 families meet with AG Holder on hacking probe - CNN
Families of victims of the 9/11 attacks asked Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday to expand an investigation of whether their relatives' phone messages ...

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