Friday, August 26, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News8 new results for hacking
Cybersecurity experthacked Medtronic insulin pump
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Photo: Isaac Brekken, Associated Press A cybersecurity expert and diabetic who recently showed that his insulin pump is vulnerable to hacking has revealed the maker of his device: Fridley-based Medtronic Inc. Jay Radcliffe, a 33-year-old Idaho man who ...
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C4 to make phone-hacking comedy
BBC News
Drop The Dead Donkey creator Guy Jenkin is to write a comedy based on the newspaper phone-hacking scandal for Channel 4. Hacks is set in a fictional paper where journalists use methods such as hacking, using private investigators and "pinging" - when a ...
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BBC News
Coulson legal payments could be stopped
Financial Times
Mr Coulson, the former editor of the News of the World who was arrested in July as part of an investigation into phone hacking, is taking legal advice on the testimony he gives to parliament, and on the evidence he gives to police in their two ...
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Eric Holder discusses hacking probe with families of Sept. 11 victims
Los Angeles Times
11, 2001, terrorist attacks to discuss an FBI probe into allegations that News Corp. employees may have hacked into the phones of victims or their families. A Justice Department official said the more than hourlong meeting was "a positive, ...
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Los Angeles Times
The Record: Stolen voices
11 victims and their families may have been hacked does just that. And that the hacking may have been done by individuals paid by the now-defunct British tabloid News of the World is equally egregious. On Wednesday, US Attorney General Eric Holder met ...
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Update on Backups, Passwords, and Chinese Hacking
The Atlantic
For instance, the calculator shows that my main Gmail password, which is very easy for me to remember, would take "1.09 hundred thousand trillion trillion centuries," at a hacking rate of 1000 guesses a second. So get busy! And if you really can't get ...
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League site hacked again
Independent Online
By Staff Writer The ANC Youth League is to lodge a complaint with police about the hacking of its website on Thursday night, which purportedly carried a letter from its embattled president Julius Malema in a scathing attack on President Jacob Zuma "and ...
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Independent Online
Shimano Di2 hacking takes off in US
By Peter Suciu, in Detroit, Michigan, USA A growing cottage industry has started up in the US based around hacks of Shimano's Dura-Ace Di2 electronic groupset. Small companies have created a whole range of products, from prototype wireless systems to ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Hacking Autism LIVE Chat « Autism Speaks Official Blog
By Autism Speaks
The Hackathon event will bring together Hacking Autism's Advisory board, experts in Autism, technologist and people on the spectrum. This catalyst event takes the ideas submitted to the Hacking Autism website to a multidisciplinary ...
Autism Speaks Official Blog
9/11 Families, Phone Hacking, News Corp's Bush Documentary | Care2 ...
By Kristina C.
Not Fox, but another News Corp. subsidiary, National Geographic, will be airing a News Corp.- made a one-hour documentary about George Bush's leadership during 9/11 in which the former president is, according to early reviews, ...
Care2 Causes
9/11 victim's mother: News Corp. hacking claims are 'disturbing ...
By Stephen C. Webster
Diane Horning, mother of 26-year-old 9/11 victim Matthew Horning, spoke to Current TV's Keith Olbermann last night about her meeting with Attorney General Eric Holder on the investigation into whether employees of News Corporation ...
Raw Replay
Breaking The Myth Of Hacking @PSFK
Computer hackers are frequently denigrated as mere digital pranksters. But some are now finding they have the power to change the world for good.
Insulin pump maker identified after hacking talk | The Associated ...
By The Associated Press
When Jay Radcliffe revealed three weeks ago that he'd found serious security holes in a popular type of insulin pump that diabetics wear, he kept two important details secret: the pump maker's name, and the specific technique he used to ...
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