Thursday, January 19, 2012

India's Most Wanted Criminals/Boss Wants To Be Facebook Friends, Now What?/Larry Ellison's Amusing Stories/Adopt IPv6 Soon or Be Sorry Later-T B Vema

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siliconindia Daily dose
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Siliconindia entrepreneur year book: Buy now
Tech Product
CES 2012 came to an end with lots of innovative products let's have a look at the most promising products of this year.
AMD is equally competing with Intel by offering new Trinity based platform for ultrabook market which is codenamed as "Ultrathin".
Startup City
Recruiting great talent is an important element for startups. Read to know how to find great talent for your startup.
Gurgaon-based provider of online PC repair and sales services, has secured $2 million from Inventus Capital Partners. Read to know.
New Jobs knocking at Your Door!!
The World Bank sharply lowered its global economic growth rate forecast to 2.5 percent in 2012 from its previous estimate of 3.6 percent, amid risks triggered by the ongoing euro-zone crisis.
With a smart market strategy and key innovations, European aircraft conglomerate, Airbus, witnessed record orders and deliveries last year, the company has said.
Real estate city
The real estate market is in the state of flux due to hike in property prices, less demand for sales and less growth in economy.The present market scenario has dragged down sales in Delhi and Bangalore.
"Project delays" is one of the most common terms in Indian real estate market.
Humor of the day
"How was your game, dear?" asked Jack's wife Tracy. "Well, I was hitting pretty well, but my eyesight's gotten so bad.."
There was an engineer, manager and programmer driving down a steep mountain road.
Facebook is introducing a set of brand new "Open Graph Applications" that will post all your online activities on the site.
IBM plans to post its fourth quarter results on January 19 , and analysts predict a solid revenue statement, despite the volatility of economies.
Personal finance
Stock market is witnessing a slew of delisting offers, including those of UTV Software and Patni Computer, a trend being attributed by experts to an opportunity for the promoters to buy out.
To tide over the current liquidity crisis, the Reserve Bank today announced that it will purchase government securities worth Rs.12,000 crore through open market operations.
Do you aspire to be a working woman? It has always been a quite debatable topic when it comes to working woman, who struggle to balance their life between work and family.
If you are a young careerist, you should differentiate your work-life challenges. Perhaps, you realize real adult life challenges are entirely different with unexpected setbacks and insecurities.
Training & Courses
Current and aspiring product professionals in India can now accelerate their career path. Get trained on productizing innovation.
A Decade of Excellence in Project Management, Business Analysis, ITIL/IT Services Management and Six Sigma Courses
Indian IT industry is riding on a cloud wave now and Aditi Technologies is driving this.
With an array of IT security products for SMBs, EliteCore has successfully managed to break the industry free from its limbo.
Blogs: Editor's choice
Let's first understand the concept of social media. Social media is an exciting new world where a brand/business can directly communicate with its end-users.
Elections are due in a number of states. Media is busy with poll forecasts and discussions on the support base of the various political parties and its impact on the outcome.

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