Monday, January 30, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News8 new results for hacking
Hacker hits Sacramento city website
Sacramento Bee
By Loretta Kalb The city of Sacramento's main website and two other city sites were taken offline on Sunday, apparently after someone hacked into a parking website. Sunday morning readers reported to The Bee that a city parking website had been taken ...
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Police arrest 5 as hacking scandal spreads to Sun tabloid
Boston Globe
Police investigations of wrongdoing at News of the World, involving the illegal hacking of cellphone voicemail messages and the alleged bribery of police officers for leaking confidential information, have led to the arrest of more than a dozen ...
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Hacking Seen as Rising Risk With Car Electronics
Automotive engineers at a conference in Washington last week said they aren't immediately concerned that a hacker will take over a car and drive it off a bridge. Instead, they said, they want to help automakers spot vulnerabilities while they're ...
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Online rail ticket site 'hacked'
China Daily
By He Wei (China Daily) SHANGHAI - The difficulty of securing a train ticket online during the Spring Festival has prompted hackers to write computer programs that break into booking sites. The official e-ticket channel
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China Daily
Hacking stunt: Stealing smartphone crypto keys using plain old radio
"You tune to the right frequency," says Kocher, who described the hacking procedure as involving use of a radio device much like a common AM radio that will be set up within about 10 feet from the smartphone. The radio-based device will pick up ...
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Hacking Cars to Keep Them Safe
Technology Review
By Dawn Lim Tiffany Rad got interested in hacking cars because she wanted to drive her Land Rover off-road on rugged terrain without worrying about setting off the air bags. Her efforts to disable them sparked a series of garage experiments to ...
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Technology Review
Hack Your Apple TV
Zatz Not Funny
Hacking Apple TV is ridiculously simple these days thanks to Seas0nPass. Basically, you download the program to Mac or Windows and the wizard will walk you through the process as it creates the appropriate software package and loads it onto your Apple ...
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Zatz Not Funny
UFC President takes on Anonymous
Herald Sun
UFC President takes on Anonymous Compares hackers to the 911 terrorists Anonymous releases his personal details IT'S easy to figure out who would win if the UFC took on Anonymous in the Octagon. But on Twitter, all bets are off.
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Blogs1 new result for hacking
CA: Students busted for hacking computers, changing grades ...
By admin
Three high school juniors have been arrested after they devised a sophisticated hacking scheme to up their grades and make money selling quiz answers to their classmates. The students are accused of breaking into the janitor's office of ...
Office of Inadequate Security

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