Monday, January 23, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Hackers-for-Hire Are Easy to Find
Wall Street Journal
Kuwaiti billionaire Kutayba Alghanim, above, allegedly commissioned hackers to copy emails of his brother, Bassam. That led to another surprise. Mr. Alghanim discovered the person who had allegedly commissioned the hackers was his own brother, ...
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Wall Street Journal
Phone hacking: News of the World journalists lied to Milly Dowler police
The Guardian
News of the World journalists who hacked Milly Dowler's phone told a string of lies and interfered with the investigation into her disappearance in 2002, according to a Surrey police report released by a parliamentary committee. ...
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The Guardian
Israel's hobbyist hackers cause a stir, but not much else
A hobbyist hacker attends a conference in Berlin, Germany on Dec. 28, 2010. Hobbyist hackers in Israel have caused a stir in recent weeks. (Sean Gallup/AFP/Getty Images) JERUSALEM — Israel's news cycle has been dominated for the past two weeks by ...
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Hackers jailbreak iPad 2 and iPhone 4S
ZDNet UK (blog)
By Tom Espiner , 23 January, 2012 12:56 A conglomerate of hacking groups has released software that allows users to jailbreak Apple iPad 2 and iPhone 4S devices. The GreenPois0n Absinthe software uses a "ridiculously complex combination of ...
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Tom Watson calls for police to investigate Times over email hacking
The Times could be subject to a police inquiry after Scotland Yard received a complaint from Labour MP Tom Watson calling on the force to investigate the newspaper over email hacking allegations. By Mark Hughes, Crime Correspondent Mr Watson has sent a ...
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Leveson Inquiry: BBC 'has not hacked phones'
BBC News
There is "no evidence whatsoever" that any BBC journalist has hacked into a telephone, the BBC's director general has said. Mark Thompson is giving evidence before the Leveson Inquiry into media ethics being held in London. ...
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BBC News
What does a hacking attack mean to consumers?
Austin American-Statesman
Over the holidays, Austin-based Stratfor, a political analytics company, was attacked, and credit card information for its customers was accessed by hackers. The hacking attacks seem to be getting more aggressive, and it's unlikely we've seen the last ...
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Austin American-Statesman
Hackers attack Elysée website
The Connexion
INTERNET hacking group Anonymous has attacked the Elysée website in protest at the shutting down of file-sharing site Megaupload. Cyber attacks also targeted websites for the White House, Universal Music, the FBI and Department of Justice. ...
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The Connexion
Hacking solutions to the world's resource problem
Over the weekend the Cleanweb hackers created applications like NYC BLDGS, a web data base of the energy consumption of buildings in New York that pits the best and worst buildings against each other in friendly competition. Econofy, a web site created ...
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NDS wins out against EchoStar hacking claims
Broadband TV News
The Supreme Court of the United States of America has turned down a petition against NDS that sought to overturn the August 2010 ruling in the long running EchoStar-Dish hacking case. Dating back to 2003, EchoStar had accused NDS of maliciously hiring ...
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Broadband TV News

Blogs3 new results for hacking
Hacking On Accomplishments | jonobacon@home
By jono
Hacking On Accomplishments. by jono on January 23, 2012 in Community, Desktop, Planet Ubuntu, Ubuntu. A little while back I blogged about an accomplishments system that Stuart Langridge and I designed when he came to visit a while ...
Dan Sabbagh: Has phone hacking changed attitudes at the top of ...
By Steffen Konrath
Guardian :: Rupert Murdoch will have known before his arrival in London on Thursday that his company was prepared to admit "senior employees and directors" of News Group Newspapers, which published the News of the World, "knew ...
:: Future of Journalism
Pro-SOPA editorial may have led to hacking of ...
By Jason Cruz
Pro-SOPA editorial may have led to hacking of January 22, 2012. The UFC's Executive Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence Epstein wrote an op-ed in Sunday's Las Vegas Review Journal in defense of the UFC's position ... The Business of MMA

Web2 new results for hacking
Murdoch Company Settles Hacking Victim Suits -
Rupert Murdoch's media empire agreed to pay victims of phone and e-mail hacking, and the victims' lawyers said they saw evidence of a cover-up by senior ...
Phone hacking bill nears £10m: New payouts to News of the World ...
Payments were exclusive of legal costs, which NI has agreed to pay and are expected to dwarf the damages. Jude Law's (pictured) £130k was the biggest ...

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