Thursday, January 19, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Phone hacking: News International settles with victims
The Guardian
News International could face a seven-figure bill after agreeing to pay substantial compensation on the eve of a high-profile trial to a significant number of the 58 claimants who have fought to prove their phones were hacked by the News of the World. ...
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The Guardian
ADX denies website hacking
Emirates 24/7
A prominent Arab Islamic scholar, buoyed by reports of successful attacks by a presumed Saudi hacker on Israel, called for electronic jihad (holy war) against the Jewish nation while another scholar gave his blessing. Tareq Al Suwaidan, a Kuwaiti ...
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The AM Roundup: Kodak, SOPA, Hacking Settlements, More
Wall Street Journal (blog)
WSJ Hacking scandal: News Corp. has entered into settlements in large swath of the civil lawsuits it faces stemming from alleged phone hacking at its now-closed News of the World tabloid. WSJ, Bloomberg, Reuters No SOPA for you: Online-piracy ...
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Phone hacking cases to be settled
Several phone hacking victims suing News International are expected to have their claims settled today in a series of payouts which could cost the company millions of pounds. By Mark Hughes, Crime Correspondent More than 50 victims are suing Rupert ...
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Suspicion grows China was behind hack of US commission
Reuters UK
By Mark Hosenball | WASHINGTON/BEIJING (Reuters) - Suspicion is growing that operatives in China, rather than India, were behind the hacking of emails of an official US commission that monitors relations between the United States and China, ...
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Timeline: News Corp and the phone-hacking scandal
Chicago Tribune
(Reuters) - Here is a timeline of the major events in the British phone-hacking scandal since last July: July 4, 2011 - A lawyer for the family of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler says police have told him that her voicemail messages had been hacked, ...
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News Corp. Paying Phone Hacking Settlements To 36, Including Jude Law
Huffington Post
By JILL LAWLESS 01/19/12 07:47 AM ET AP LONDON -- Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper company on Thursday agreed to pay damages to 36 high-profile victims of tabloid phone-hacking, including actor Jude Law, soccer player Ashley Cole and former British ...
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Dozens settle hacking claims against News International
The Independent
An increasing number of Muslim women activists are receiving death threats, fatwas and even hate-mai... phone-hacking scandal, the High Court heard today. Shaun Russell, whose wife and daughter were killed in Kent in 1996, and Sara Payne, the mother of ...
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Murdoch Company To Pay Hacking Damages In 36 Cases
by AP LONDON (AP) — Rupert Murdoch's media company has agreed to pay damages to 36 high-profile victims of tabloid phone-hacking, including actor Jude Law, soccer player Ashley Cole and former British Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott. ...
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Amazon sued in Zappos hack affecting 24 million customers
Business Insurance
A putative class action lawsuit has been filed in federal court in Louisville, Ky., in connection with a hacking incident over the weekend that led to the access of personal information on 24 million customers of, a unit of Inc. ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
News Corp. Paying Phone Hacking Settlements To 36, Including ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
LONDON — Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper company on Thursday agreed to pay damages to 36 high-profile victims of tabloid phone-hacking, including actor Jude Law, soccer player Ashley Cole and former British Deputy Prime Minister ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
NewsDaily: Victims say News Corp has admitted hacking cover-up
By Georgina Prodhan and Kate Holton
Lawyers for victims of the phone hacking scandal at the British newspaper arm of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp media empire say the company has acknowledged covering up the scale of illegal activity by destroying evidence and lying to ...
NewsDaily: Top Headlines
Jude Law in phone hacking payout | Stock Market News - Business ...
By Editor - World News
19 January 2012 Last updated at 08:00 ET Law's phone was hacked repeatedly between.
Rocket News
Lawyer: Number of phone-hacking cases being settled by News ...
Lawyer: Number of phone-hacking cases being settled by News Corp. rises to 36 - AP.
Breaking news
News Corp comes clean on scale of hacking cover-up - News - Mail ...
The British newspaper arm of News Corp has admitted to victims that executives covered up the scale of illegal activity by destroying evidence.
Mail & Guardian News Feed

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