Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
After Zappos hack, how to protect yourself online
Fox News
Hackers broke into a Zappos server in Kentucky Sunday night, giving them access to personal records of 24 million Zappos customers -- which means if you've ever used the site, you're probably a victim too. Actually, if you've ever been online, ...
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Fox News
Saudis deny stock exchange website infiltrated by Israeli hackers
Israeli hackers said they brought down Saudi Stock Exchange, Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange websites on Tuesday, in latest episode of continuing cyber war between hackers. By DPA and Oded Yaron Tags: Israel stock market Saudi Arabian authorities on ...
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Leveson Inquiry: as it happened January 17
Coverage from the Leveson Inquiry into media ethics and phone hacking, in which evidence will be heard from editors and senior executives from the Guardian and Times Newspapers Limited. By Matthew Holehouse 17.46 That concludes the evidence for today. ...
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Hackers break into Rancho Mirage's website
The Desert Sun
The home page of the city of Rancho Mirage website was hacked by a group calling itself "Team ShadowSec" on Monday. the desert sun Rancho Mirage — The home page of the city of Rancho Mirage website was hacked late Monday by a group calling itself ...
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Symantec reveals hacking and theft of source code
SC Magazine UK
According to Reuters, unknown hackers obtained the source code to Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition, Norton Internet Security, Norton Utilities, Norton GoBack and pcAnywhere. This was previously denied by Symantec, which said that a document from 28 ...
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Times reporter hacked into police blogger's email account
The Guardian
A controversial 2009 Times article "outing" an anonymous police blogger called Nightjack was based on material obtained by email hacking, it has emerged in evidence to the Leveson inquiry. Times editor James Harding told the inquiry on Tuesday he had ...
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The Guardian
Ashton Kutcher Going After Twitter Hacker over Lorene Scafaria Tweets during ...
Gather Celebs News Channel
As if Ashton Kutcher doesn't have enough to worry about with his divorce from Demi Moore, now he has been the victim of a Twitter hacker. The Two and a Half Men star is not taking this lying down, either. The star's Twitter and Foursquare accounts were ...
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NCC Group Chief Says Attacks From Cyber Hackers Are Increasing
18 (Bloomberg) -- Cyber attacks in the UK are rising and companies are struggling to keep pace with increasingly sophisticated hackers, said Rob Cotton, chief executive officer of NCC Group Plc. "It's an arms race and one that we are in danger of not ...
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Reporter at Times hacked computer
A reporter for The Times admitted computer hacking three years ago but was allowed to keep his job after arguing that he had acted in the public interest, the Leveson Inquiry was told. The journalist "gained unauthorised access to an email account" as ...
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
Inside Facebook · Hacking Facebook Pages at the Social Media ...
By Susan Su
Hacking Facebook Pages: How to maximize organic growth and social reach. In an increasingly competitive environment where nearly every business and brand is marketing via Facebook Pages, social media buzzwords (engagement!
Inside Facebook
News International CEO Tom Mockridge Tells Hacking Inquiry ...
By Mimi Turner
The News Corp. executive parachuted in to clean up after the hacking scandal, tells the Leveson Inquiry that he is changing the organization.
Israeli hacking mystery – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs
By Adam Levine
By Michal Zippori reporting from Jerualem The websites of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and of El Al, the Israeli airline, were brought down Monday morning by an apparent hacking attack.
CNN Security Clearance

Web2 new results for hacking
Symantec says hackers stole source code in 2006 | Reuters
(Reuters) - Symantec Corp said a 2006 breach led to the theft of the source code to its flagship Norton security software, reversing its previous position that it had ...
Xbox Live hacking is a very real problem -Destructoid
Microsoft says that recent thefts targeting Xbox Live users are isolated incidents, and often tries to portrays the problems as phishing scams -- effectively blaming ...

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