Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Phone hacking: Ali Dizaei told he may have been target
The Guardian
Ali Dizaei has been told by Scotland Yard detectives that he may have been a phone-hacking victim. Photograph: Sang Tan/AP Ali Dizaei, the controversial former senior Scotland Yard officer whose conviction for corruption was quashed earlier this month, ...
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The Guardian
PBS Hacked Again By LulzSec In Retaliation For WikiLeaks Documentary
Huffington Post
PBS was hacked again by a group retaliating against the network for a "Frontline" documentary about WikiLeaks. The group, LulzSec, has previously hacked the accounts of some Fox employees. On Sunday, the group hacked into PBS' Newshour website and ...
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CNN Lands First TV Interview With Rep. Anthony Weiner About 'Weinergate' (Video)
Hollywood Reporter
After a woman was sent a nearly-nude photo from his hacked Twitter account, Weiner says, "It happens." CNN landed the first on-camera interview with New York representative Anthony Weiner, who has been in the center of the "Weinergate" scandal ...
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Hackers threaten more Sony online attacks
The PlayStation Store may be coming back online this week, but further hacking attacks on Sony online properties could be imminent if threats from hacktivist group LulzSec hold any water. The group - which is said to have taken credit for hacks on Sony ...
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Harper in Afghanistan, Going Home to Slave Lake & Hacking PBS
With the combat mission in July, Prime Minister Stephen Harper flew into Afghanistan today and told Canadian soldiers the war-torn country is no longer a training ground for international terrorism. So does this mean it's 'mission accomplished' in ...
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Sony to Restore Operations & Reputation after Hacking Attacks
News Tonight
This announcement came after a hacking attack that got into the networks of the online gaming provider negatively affected millions of user accounts and stained the image of the company. According to the giant electronics company based out of Japan, ...
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How Dare Hackers Target Lockheed Martin?
International Business Times
Over the last few years, the crime of hacking has gone institutional. In 2009, the US government successful shut down what was essentially a group of well-organized cyber mercenaries based in the capital of Ukraine. The company, which went by the name ...
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Pentagon to the world: hacking is an act of war
The Next Web
The Pentagon is sending a warning to nations who are considering engaging the US in cyber-warfare and has concluded that attacks coming from another country can constitute an "act of war," which gives US the right to respond using traditional military ...
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The Next Web
Random Hacks of Kindness: Brand-Backed Hacking for Humanity
All who are interested in "hacking for humanity" can attend one of these local events, including the Silicon Valley RHoK event at Google headquarters, or host their own. Organizations working in crisis response or climate change can submit a problem ...
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Celebrity Death: Tupac dies again in press after PBS gets hacked?
Green Celebrity Network
Tupac dies again in press after PBS gets hacked? Rapper Tupac Shakur, also known as Makaveli, died in Las Vegas in 1996 – the same ill-fated year that famous rapper Biggie Smalls died – both from gunshot wounds. Those of Generation X watched as both of ...
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
Weinergate: Twitter User Dan Wolfe Denies Hacking Accusations ...
By Ezra Dulis
As for the insinuation that he hacked into Weiner's Twitter account, Wolfe understands that it's his word against the Congressman's, and he is eager for law enforcement to investigate his online activity. Citing "tons of threats wishing ...
Big Goverment - http://biggovernment.com/
Rep. Weiner's Photo Hacking Scandal: A Play in Five Acts ...
The evidence, slim to say the least, consists of facts such as Cordova once referring to Weiner as her "boyfriend" on Twitter, and her deleting her Facebook , Twitter, and Formspring accounts after the hacking (probably because she was ...
Latest Posts | The Atlantic Wire - http://www.theatlanticwire.com/feeds/latest/
Hacking Group: "It's The Beginning Of The End For Sony", Promises ...
Well, I am not sure whether this is the same group behind the PSN hack but I really do hope Sony will take every security measure possible to protect its fame and it's users. GamingBolt.com strongly recommends its users to support Sony ...
GamingBolt.com: Video Game News,... - http://gamingbolt.com/

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