Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
More Sony websites hacked, 8500 Greek accounts hit
TOKYO — Sony on Tuesday said its websites in three countries had been hacked with 8500 Greek user accounts compromised, in a blow to efforts to restore confidence after a huge data breach affecting millions. Websites in Thailand and Indonesia had also ...
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Police in dock over phone-hacking as Prescott wins judicial review
The Independent
By Cahal Milmo and Martin Hickman Scotland Yard will finally have to answer claims that for five years it deliberately played down the scale of the phone-hacking scandal at the News of the World, after Lord Prescott won the right to challenge police in ...
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Sony shares rebound on forecast; more hacking emerges
Toronto Sun
Separately, Sony said on Tuesday websites in three countries were hacked and personal information for 8500 people were leaked from its Greek Sony Music Entertainment website, in the latest of a series of security breaches. The company said all three ...
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Use Your Hacking Skills to Help the World with Random Hacks of Kindness
If there's one way to really put your own hacking skills to good use, this is it. Check out the video below for an example of Random Hacks of Kindness project PeopleFinder under presentation (audio quality isn't great, so you may need toturn your ...
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Earthquake and PSN Hacking Will Cost Sony Dearly
NewsFactor Network
By Jennifer LeClaire In a year when Sony expected strong performance, the earthquake in Japan and the hacking of Sony's PlayStation Network will bleed $3.2 billion of operating profit. The loss is the largest Sony has seen in 16 years and 2011 could be ...
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Sony Hacked Again... and Again
By Peter Ferenczi | Mon May 23, 2011 9:47 am Sony has been hacked again, further bruising its tarnished image, as the company struggles to prove it can secure its networks. Hackers snuck a phishing trap onto Sony's Thailand website that directed users ...
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Twitter Third Party Applications Permission Model Will Minimize Hacking ...
As covered in a May 19, 2011 Technorati.com article "Twitter Releases a New Control to Enhance Privacy Protection", Twitter's users are happy to learn that the Twitter Development Team is listening to the user claims for more options and control when ...
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Journalist wins bid to challenge Met on phone hacking despite 'threadbare' claim
Freelance journalist Brendan Montague, along with former deputy prime minister Lord John Prescott and two others, has won a claim for a judicial review of the Metropolitan Police's handling of the original phone-hacking investigation. ...
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Hacking Autism
Hacking Autism is a place where software developers and parents or specialists who need apps for those on the spectrum can get together and work out projects for their needs. The idea is to provide software tools for free (or at least with a free ...
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Judge Wants To Know If Top News Corp Execs Knew About Hacking
Did executives at the very top level of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp know about the illegal voicemail hacking that was taking place at the company's London tabloid News of the World ? Perhaps Murdoch himself? A judge hearing a number of test ...
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Blogs1 new result for hacking
Poll Hacking And You - Die By The Blade
By Zachary Zielonka
Your best source for quality Buffalo Sabres news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.
Die By The Blade - http://www.diebytheblade.com/

Web1 new result for hacking
Jude Law joins News Corp phone hacking claimants | Reuters
LONDON (Reuters) - British film star Jude Law will sue the News of the World over allegations of phone hacking next year in a case to set guidelines over ...

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