Monday, May 23, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Phone hacking: Lord Prescott wins high court bid to challenge Met
The Guardian
Lord Prescott and three others believe their phones had been hacked. Photograph: Lewis Whyld/PA Two former cabinet minsters, a police chief and a journalist are to mount a judicial review into the Metropolitan police's handing of the News of the World ...
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Linkedin SSL vulnerability leaves accounts open to hacking
By Asavin Wattanajantra AN INDEPENDENT insecurity researcher says there are multiple security vulnerabilities in the business social network Linkedin, due to the way it handles and transmits cookies over SSL. In a blog post, Rishi Narang claimed that a ...
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Hacking conference sees 'enemies' break boundaries
The Guardian (blog)
If anything is going to finish off the hacking community it's more likely to be early-onset diabetes than security agencies, given the way the assembled hackers and software company security officers demolish the cake for breakfast, lunch and tea at ...
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The Guardian (blog)
Sony websites hacked in Greece and Thailand
These latest series of hacking scandals follow on closely from the recent PlayStation Network outage where data from millions of users were stolen, taking down PlayStation-related services for almost 25 days. Has the latest Sony security breach ...
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Sony predicts cost of PlayStation Network hacking
The total cost of the PlayStation Network hacking could cost Sony over £100m, revealed the company in an investor's call today. The PlayStation Network was hacked on April 18 leaving data of over 70 million user account vulnerable to fraud. ...
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Phone hacking: journalist's lawsuit against NoW revives 'spying' claims
The Guardian
Photograph: Chris Jackson/Getty Images A leading tabloid journalist has joined those suing the News of the World for allegedly hacking into voicemails, reviving claims that the Rupert Murdoch-owned paper has been spying on its rivals to steal their ...
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The Guardian
Where Are the Ethics in Hacking? (blog)
You may have heard about Australian security researcher Christian Heinrich, who hacked live into Facebook's privacy controls at an IT security conference and accessed private photographs of rival security professional Chris Gatford and his family, ...
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Hacking toolkit for Apple gear released
Apple has finally been accepted into the realms of real computing as hackers have developed a tool-kit to take the expensive shiny toys to the cleaners. For years, hackers could not be bothered with developing tools to hack Macs because it required the ...
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Local group eyes grant to move reservoir along
By HEATHER HACKING - Staff Writer The latest is that the Sites Joint Powers Authority, formed in August, is applying for a Proposition 204 grant to finish environmental documents so that the proposed reservoir can be included in a water bond vote in ...
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More hacking headaches for Sony
Independent Online
By Liana B. Baker and Jim Finkle New York - Sony has been hacked again, exposing more security issues for the company less than a month after intruders stole personal information from more than 100 million online user accounts. A hacked page on a Sony ...
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
Hacking for feline enjoyment - Hack a Day
By Mike Szczys
[Dino] is staying true to his goal of hacking one project every week. This time around, he's working on a toy that will amuse and delight his cats. The project centers around a mouse house that has two holes where mice can stick their ...
Hack a Day -
Prescott win in hacking case bid | Stock Market News - Business ...
By Editor - BBC World News
23 May 2011 Last updated at 06:30 ET Lord Prescott and others want to know.
Rocket News -
Best Hacking News & Updates: Everything about Rockmelt one of the ...
By atulplayer best.htmlEverything about Rockmelt one of the best Browser:-Download Free.... Author: atulplayer.
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