Friday, May 27, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Email accounts hacked in 15 minutes
International Business Times
To date there are an estimated 20000 videos available on YouTube alone that teach viewers the basics of hacking social media profiles, email accounts, smartphones and PayPal accounts. The video comes just after Sony's recent security breach which saw ...
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International Business Times
Oops! Sony Still Getting Hacked - Posts $2.99 Billion Loss
It seems now the parties responsible are just hacking Sony for the fun of it. Lebanese hacking group Idahca, who are claiming responsibility the Sony Ericsson Eshop hacking, have stated that they could have gathered sensitive details, including credit ...
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Trailer: Hacking and Slashing in D&D: Daggerdale
Wired News (blog)
By Jason Schreier Atari has released the launch trailer for its new downloadable action RPG, Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale . The $15 single- and multiplayer game is now available on the Xbox 360's Live Arcade service and in retail stores for PC. ...
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Sony hacked five more times
By Georgina Enzer Published May 27, 2011 Sony has been hacked again, this time on five separate sites across the globe, following the massive PlayStation Network, Qriocity and Sony Online Entertainment hacks that saw millions of users' data stolen from ...
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Hackers get cocky post-PSN: Codemasters hacked
International Business Times
By Alastair Stevenson | May 26, 2011 4:14 PM GMT With the games industry still licking its wounds after Sony's recent spout of hacking troubles, veteran games developer Codemasters today revealed that it to had fallen victim to a successful cyber ...
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International Business Times
Hacking - how easy is it?
Would it surprise you to learn that there are over 20000 videos on YouTube alone that are devoted to hacking? And that the most popular of these video tutorials have millions of views? You may think that as long as you have up-to-date anti-virus ...
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Two twisters cut swaths through Butte, Glenn orchards
By HEATHER HACKING-Staff Writer The storm that passed through Glenn and Butte counties Wednesday evening wiped out about 100 acres of orchards south of Durham, when a tornado cut a line near Hanlon Road, across Durnell Road and the Midway to Stanford ...
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Jude Law: Shirtless In Cannes! [PHOTOS]
Socialite Life
Law is set to sue the News of the World over allegations of phone hacking next year in a case to set guidelines over damages and which could involve senior management at the tabloid. A judge hearing the case into phone hacking at the best-selling ...
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Wilmington far from immune to cyber crime
Hacking software downloaded free from the Web and how-to videos posted online make it simple for even the computer illiterate to raid computer systems. "Given that there's so much cheap communication available and cheap technology in the world today, ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Hacking for Good: Three Ways for Devs to Get Involved
By Jolie O'Dell
Want to use your dev powers for the greater good? Here are three ways to get involved.
Mashable | The Social Media GuideDev... -
Sony Ericsson website becomes the latest hacking victim | TG Daily
By Raven Lovecraft
Most recently, the company's official websites in parts of Europe and Asia have been hacked. While the news of Sony Ericsson's data breach might have only been a blip on the radar a few months ago, given this context it is a very ...
TG Daily -

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