Thursday, April 28, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Phone hacking: Wayne Rooney considers suing News of the World
The Guardian
Phone hacking: Wayne Rooney has been warned by Scotland Yard detectives that he may have been targeted by a private investigator working for the News of the World. Photograph: Shaun Botterill/Getty Images Wayne Rooney is considering taking legal action ...
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The Guardian
UK minister voices concern at News Corp unit hacking
LONDON, April 28 (Reuters) - A British minister voiced concern about a phone-hacking scandal at News Corp's (NWSA.O) UK newspaper arm but said his decision on the company's planned buyout of BSkyB (BSY.L) would be based on media plurality. ...
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Phone hacking: New software aimed at the celebrity market can 'repel' attacks
Daily Mail
In the light of phone hacking claims involving the News of the World, the newspaper faces civil actions from a large number of celebrities. But now two businessmen have set up a firm which can repel attacks using its new software. ...
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Daily Mail
Sony PlayStation System Hacking Incident Highlights Web-Security Gaps
PBS NewsHour
RAY SUAREZ: The latest episode involved millions of people around the world who use Sony's PlayStation video game system and who may have had their credit card information stolen in a hacking incident. The intrusion caused the company to shut down ...
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PlayStation hacking sours Sony's ambitious network plans
The Australian
Gamers have attacked Sony for not revealing a security breach in the PlayStation Network sooner. THE hacker who penetrated Sony's online PlayStation service delivered a serious blow to the company's ambitious networking plans. ...
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Lady Gaga has Twitter account hacked
The Judas singer had her Twitter account hacked into when a series of bizarre Spanish posts appeared on her updates and she immediately knew just what to do. Have a Twitter rant about it of course. "Whoever is hacking my Twitter must answer to 10 ...
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Lady Gaga's Twitter reportedly hacked Twitter hackers have taken on one of the biggest and reportedly hacked into Lady Gaga's account. Lady Gaga revealed earlier today that she was the next person to be hacked, states "Whoever is hacking my Twitter must ...
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Latvian hack's hack story leads to hack-hacking
Interestingly, when news portals and other media reported LETA's difficulties, it triggered many comments from readers supporting the hacking of LETA and expressing disdain and hostility toward journalists in general. Hacker attacks are a crime under ...
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Meadow Hill Middoulian: Sony Hacked!!!!!!
The company said that the data could have fallen into the hands of an "unauthorised person" following a hacking attack on the online service of Playstation. The PSN has been non useable for 5 days. Tom L., a 7th grader at Meadow Hill said, ...
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Bits: The PlayStation Breach: Why You Should Remain Calm
New York Times (blog)
By THE NEW YORK TIMES So what should you be worried about if you're a PlayStation network account holder, following Sony's bad hacking incident? Obviously, no one wants to have their credit card information taken and possibly used for nefarious ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Major Hacking Incident Hits Sony TV Service and PlayStation ...
By Chuck Ross
In a major hacking incident, Sony has been dealt what is being described as "a significant short-term blow," with both its PlayStation Network and its Qriocity on-demand television service affected, reports. ...
TVBizwire -
Arduino Blog » Blog Archive » RESTduino – Arduino Hacking For The ...
RESTduino – Arduino Hacking For The REST Of Us. Nice RESTduino demo #1 by [Jason Gullickson]: what is RESTduino? RESTduino is a simple sketch to provide a REST- like interface to the Arduino via the Ethernet Shield. ...
Arduino Blog -

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