Monday, April 25, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
PlayStation outage caused by hacking attack
BBC News
Sony has confirmed that a hacking attack was to blame for its PlayStation Network being taken offline. The company said that it had taken the PSN down voluntarily while it investigated an "external intrusion". The system is still unavailable five days ...
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BBC News
Hacked evidence not always admissible
London Free Press
Given the digitally interconnected world we live in, it is not surprising there are cases where evidence has been obtained by way of an unauthorized computer access, or hacking. Hacking is an indictable offence under the Canadian Criminal Code with a ...
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The Revolution of the Hacked Kinect, Part 1: Teaching Robots & the Blind to See
The Business Insider
Kinect hacking began in earnest after New York-based electronics shop Adafruit Industries offered a $3000 dollar bounty to the first programmer to develop open-source drivers for the Kinect. A 20-year old Spaniard collected the prize (which was fronted ...
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Inside the Shadowy World of Phone-Hacking
Daily Beast (blog)
It's still not clear exactly when the News of the World's veteran Royal Editor Clive Goodman first came across this revolutionary method of finding stories, but phone-hacking was to provide him with a rich fund of scoops—and he needed them. ...
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Live Hacking Team Release Updated Linux Distro for Penetration Testing
Gadgets and Technology News (press release)
By Dave Gales on April 25, 2011 The Live Hacking project, led by Dr. Ali Jahangiri, is pleased to announce an updated version of its security orientated Linux distribution the "Live Hacking DVD". Designed for penetration testing and ethical hacking, ...
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Gadgets and Technology News (press release)
Avaaz – the online activist network that is targeting Rupert Murdoch's bid
The Guardian
Avaaz protesters outside the high court on the day it was deciding how to proceed in the News of the World phone-hacking cases. Photograph: Carl Court/AFP If you had been on the Strand in London on the day that the high court was considering how to ...
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The Guardian
IndiaCompanyNews (press release)
Are you crazy about hacking??? Want to learn advanced ethical hacking ??? Then this is the right place for you to be... Are you crazy about hacking??? Want to learn advanced ethical hacking ??? Then this is the right place for you to be. ...
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IndiaCompanyNews (press release)
Wi-Fi hacking causes personal disasters
Newsday (subscription)
By CAROLYN THOMPSON. AP BUFFALO, NY -- Lying on his family room floor with assault weapons trained on him, shouts of "pedophile!" and "pornographer!" stinging like his fresh cuts and bruises, the Buffalo homeowner didn't need long to figure out the ...
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Data Analyzers' Sunshine State Hacktacular Challenge Getting International ... (press release)
Hacking skills can be put to a good use to earn a decent living and benefit others, but these are rare skills to find. Computer "hacker" is a term most people view with a mixture of respect and contempt, and with good reason: the term has undergone a ...
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Man booked for sending dirty e-mails to colleague's fiancé
Pune: The Chatuhshrungi police have booked a man from Chennai for allegedly hacking an email address and sending obscene mails and photographs of a 24-year-old woman from Baner to her fiancé. The suspect has been identified as Vijay Varadrajan from ...
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