Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
How the PlayStation Network was Hacked
How was the PlayStation Network hacked, though? Ironically, for security reasons, and because Sony is historically very tight-lipped on such matters, we will probably never know the exact attack vector -- but we can certainly make some well-educated ...
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Phone hacking: Met admits to only warning 36 people they may be targeted
The Guardian
Only 36 people were warned in in the first four years of the phone hacking affair. Photograph: Stefan Wermuth/Reuters The Metropolitan police has admitted that during the first four years of the phone-hacking affair it warned only 36 people they may ...
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The Guardian
Playstation accounts hacked
Newstalk ZB
By Lesley Deverall Police are warning people to be vigilant following the hacking of millions of Sony Playstation accounts worldwide. Sony confirms up to 77 million Playstation accounts have been hacked and data stolen, including people's names, ...
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Clearer UK phone-hacking law sought
Financial Times
By Ben Fenton, Chief Media Correspondent Greater clarity is needed in the law governing phone-hacking, the information commissioner has told MPs. Christopher Graham said it must be redrafted for the age in which it has suddenly become relevant. ...
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Phone-hacking: David Cameron hints at future judicial inquiry
The Guardian
David Cameron, who did not rule out a judicial inquiry into phone hacking. Photograph: Pa David Cameron failed to rule out a judicial inquiry into phone hacking after facing fresh calls by a Liberal Democrat MP to "uncover the truth" about the ...
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The Guardian
Lady Gaga's Twitter Account Hacked
She tried to fix by retweeting a few seconds later: "Whoever is hacking my Twitter must answer to 10 million monsters and Twitter police. #Don'tMakeMeCallTheApostles." I'm sure those four would have a thing or two to say about it... stay tuned here for ...
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Cyber Thieves Hacking US Accounts, Sending Money to China
By Justin Blum - Tue Apr 26 17:01:54 GMT 2011 Cyber criminals are hacking bank accounts of small-to-medium size businesses in the US and sending unauthorized wire transfers to Chinese economic and trade companies, according to the FBI. ...
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Could Xbox Live Be Hacked?
NowGamer has attempted to contact Microsoft this morning for an official statement on whether or not Xbox Live could be a target of similar hacking attempts. Although we could not get a response at this time, we will continue to seek comment. ...
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Amherst store owner reacts to becoming victim of international hacking
The computer system at Country Corner Market was hacked, compromising the information of 125 customers. County and federal dectectives are now investigating. The data was stolen through a process called phishing. A hacker looks for any vulerable ...
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Girls charged for allegedly hacking classmate's Facebook
Two girls, ages 11 and 12, are being charged with computer trespassing and cyberstalking for allegedly logging onto an Issaquah girl's Facebook account and asking online friends to have sex. According to court documents, the two girls told police that ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Enhance your key fob via CAN bus hacking - Hack a Day
By Mike Nathan
[Igor] drives a 4th generation Volkswagen Golf, and decided he wanted to play around with the CAN bus for a bit. Knowing that the comfort bus is the most accessible and the safest to toy with, he started poking around to see what he ...
Hack a Day -
Holy Hacking: PlayStation Security Breach May Have Hit 70M | The ...
By Brent Lang
Holy Hacking: PlayStation Security Breach May Have Hit 70M · 'Repo Games' Producer Talked Violence in Interview Even Before Shots Fired at Crew · Next Year's Oscars Set for Feb. 26 · 'Roadie' at Tribeca: Growing Up After a Vicarious ... - Entertainment Industry... -*

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