Friday, May 29, 2015

Want to know about HAIR GROWTH SECRETS? Visit Our HAIR EXPERTS to Know More !

Your Hair Story
Hair is composed primarily of "dead" Proteins; known as Keratin. Hair is divided into Two Parts: the Root and Shaft. The Root of the Hair is in the skin of scalp. The Hair Shaft has three Layers: the Cuticle, Medulla and Cortex. Cuticle is the outer layer; it protects the inner Layer. A healthy Cuticle gives a shiny appearance to Hair. Medulla is the innermost layer, composed of large cells. Cortex is the layer between the Cuticle and Medulla; it "houses" the "colour giving" Melanin pigment and Keratin. Cortex also determines bulk and strength of Hair.
Hair is more than just a "Cute Wrap"; it performs a host of biological functions, apart from being a cover up for most part of the body.
  1. Hair protects your head
  2. It keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer
  3. It protects against sunburn
  4. Eyelashes & nasal hair prevent dust and foreign particles from entering your eyes and nose
  5. Hair has nerve endings ; which give you that "feel good" factor after a Head Massage
Hair is easy to understand and easy to look after. Treat your Hair well and it shall remain with you forever; as your crowning glory, or essential part of your Good Looks.
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